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-   -   "pause" Record? (https://www.dvinfo.net/forum/canon-xl-gl-series-dv-camcorders/42336-pause-record.html)

Kevin Crisp April 3rd, 2005 04:19 PM

"pause" Record?
My Xl2 was in stealth mode before inserting a tape. Why does the camera advance to pause mode when the tape is inserted instead of stop mode? The transport mech. can be heard four feet away? I'm sure I need to be sending this camera back, but my question is, does every XL2 move to pause mode when inserting a tape? I've heard of pause mode during a recording? Surely this is not right?

Chris Hurd April 3rd, 2005 08:09 PM

Every camcorder I've ever used goes to rec pause mode when a tape is inserted. Does anybody else have a different experience? If so, please name the make & model of the camera.

Kevin Crisp April 4th, 2005 07:20 AM

Every camera I've every worked with. PD 150,
Panasonic 24p, Sony DSR 200, 250, and 500? All of these cameras take a tape and sit, silently.
If you press pause while already recording then the latter models would be in pause/record mode, sitting idle--humming, because its neither stopped or recording.
In addition, never in any of the cases above, did the word "pause" illuminate in the viewfinder when a tape was inserted. And the pause/record mode was initiated by pushing the pause button only when the camera was already recording?

Does anyone have a XL2 that doesn't paste the word "pause" in the viewfinder after simple inserting a tape?

In a silent room, I can hear the sounds coming from this camera, near the tape transport, 10-15 feet away?

Tony Davies-Patrick April 4th, 2005 10:00 AM

The XL1 and XL1s also does the same. "Pause" is displayed in the viewfinder after a new tape is inserted. The actual motor transport moving the tape itself into position is quite loud, but once in position, it is quiet enough, with only a faint humming.

I would have preffered an almost silent change-over of tapes and zero-sound in pause - especially when you need to change during a quiet period in a hall, or some locations where you are trying to keep all noises to a minimum, or even during recording of wildlife close to the camera equipment - but apart from using a good blimp, I don't see any way around it. Placing the camera inside a Kata Rain Cover can help muffle some of the sounds if you don't have a blimp.

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