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K. Forman May 7th, 2005 12:52 PM

I asked for footage of the African plains. So far, nobody has stepped up. Then again, there still isn't a regular forum for this.

HELLO MODERATORS... (hint, hint)

Chris Hurd May 7th, 2005 01:12 PM

Which category would we put it in? Special Interest Areas?

K. Forman May 7th, 2005 01:23 PM

How about putting it in Community Market Place with Helping Hands?
P.S. Good ears Chris ;)

Steven Gotz May 7th, 2005 03:48 PM

I will be taking a lot of HDV footage in Greece, and I am sure that some of the more popular places, like the Parthenon and the temple at Delphi would make some nice stock footage. I could make it available at 720X480 or in the M2T format (1080i).

If there is anything in particular you want, speak up so I know to make sure to get as much of that particular area as possible. I am carrying a tripod, and for areas where that is not allowed, I picked up a DVRig Jr.

K. Forman May 7th, 2005 03:54 PM

Steven- Will you be anywhere near Monaco in your travels? I could use a nice shot of a high class casino.

Steven Gotz May 7th, 2005 03:59 PM

No. Just Greece this trip. 8 days on land, 3 on the sea. With a few hours in Zurich on the way to Athens. The real problem is that cameras are not generally allowed in casinos. And the casino on the ship will probably be quite casual.

By the way, the last time I was in Baden Baden Germany, their casino was just as high class. People in suits and even tuxes.

K. Forman May 7th, 2005 04:08 PM

What I was hoping for, was a long shot of a casino overlooking the water, nothing inside. Just a shot to establish a James Bondish location. Keep that in mind, in case you should come across such a location.

Steven Gotz May 7th, 2005 04:12 PM

Aha! Interesting classic architecture overlooking a lake, or the sea? That I can keep in mind. Sure.

K. Forman May 7th, 2005 04:15 PM

I'm not sure of what is in Greece, but I'm sure you can find something reminiscent of Monaco and the Riviera.
And thank you :)

Michael OKeefe May 7th, 2005 04:23 PM

Stock footage in NH?
anyone need stock footage that could be found in NH? forests, farms, mountains? etc?

K. Forman May 7th, 2005 04:32 PM

Not yet Micahel, but you never know ;)

Travis Maynard May 7th, 2005 04:35 PM

I'm sure that some "sun rising/setting" timelapse footage would be great for stock. Possibly get it in different areas. Some with forrests in the horizon, some with an ocean, etc.

Andrew Gold May 7th, 2005 05:18 PM

I have a linux server on a dedicated oc48 backbone that I can offer up for transfers. I can spare maybe 20 gigs for hosting if anyone is interested. I was thinking that those that have stock footage to offer up can encode compressed streaming previews which I could host on a web page, and then either host the full quality clips directly on the server, or set up a bittorrent tracker. Bit Torrent might be the way to go, as I do have a 1 terrabyte transfer limit per month.

Anyway, any clips posted to the site would have to be posted by the creator, and I'd have to draw up some kind of release statement to ensure no legal problems.

So, anyone interested in getting this going?

Jeremy Peterson May 8th, 2005 02:45 AM

Your server has about 10x the bandwidth as my server, Andrew. Torrent Blog is very easy to setup.

You can see my test at http://dvpub.info.

Cleveland Brown May 8th, 2005 10:53 AM


Originally Posted by Keith Forman
While we're at it, why couldn't we also offer 2nd unit footage?

Keith could you elaborate a little more on how 2nd Unit footage works. I have always wondered about that in the credits as I usually watch them all for movies I like. Mostly out of respect for the people who worked the hardest on the film. The ones behind the scenes. It would make sense now that you mention it.

That must have been 2nd unit stuff in Chicago for the guys who got all of the Spidey Cam shots for the plates. They flew the Spidey Cam around the city on cables getting shots to feed into the computers in order to make 3D models. That way the were able to give the appearence that the camera was following spiderman as he swung up and down through the city streets.

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