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Lawrence Stevens November 23rd, 2004 11:46 AM

Rod's and bars
I don't want to get a matte box yet, but after using the XL2 for quite a lot of tripod and shoulder mounted stuff, I'd quite like to invest in a set of bars/rods that fit to the tripod mount of the camera.

Sometimes while operating i need something to grab onto under the lens to get more precise control of the camera, and at present there is nothing there. I have thought about making my own, but as the saying goes, time is money, and the hassle it's going to cause wont be worth it if I can find some for around £100/$130 or so.

So does anyone know where I could get good(ish) and cheap(ish)bars on there own from? Preferably not too heavy ones, as I don't want to over balance the camera even more!

Also bars that may be able to take a matte box that I could buy in the future, when my bank balance looks a bit more healty! But for me, even though you may think I'm weird, bars first.

I live in the UK, but just give me a model/make and I'll hunt down where to get them. I'm travelling to the US in December, so could pick them up when I come over.

I thank you in advance for your advice


Rob Lohman November 24th, 2004 03:35 AM

Chrosziel has such a system:


And OpTex is int he UK if I'm not mistaken.

I did a small search at B&H to see how much it costs:
(I couldn't find those hand grips though)

The rods for the XL1 ($374.95)
Sunshade/3x3 filterholder XL1 ($624.95)
Sunshade/3x3 filterholder + frenchflag XL1 ($674.95)
Sunshade/4x4 filterholder + frenchflag XL1 ($799.95)

I assume the XL1 equipment will also work on the XL2, although
it might not: http://www.zgc.com/zgc.nsf/active/5F...256F40005F0EC7

There is also another system:


See the following thread on the subject:


I was a bit unsure if B&H sells this kit or not, could not really
find a good search result.

Dennis Hingsberg November 24th, 2004 09:45 AM

I'm going to recommend the Van Deimen line of Matte Boxes and rods. Why? Because honestly I would have sooner settled for some cardboard flaps duct taped to my lens (it's just so hard to justify the cost) but since my clients wouldn't really take me seriously I started shopping around for a good MB.

The Mosquito Lite DV 1 has one fixed and one rotation filter and will accept 4x4, 4x5.650 and 4x6 filters while the Chroziel requires separate filter trays to be purchased for each filter size. This mattebox also accepts different width filters of 1, 2, 3, and 4mm including Formatt and Tiffen thin glass filters. Chroziel has a list price of $799, this mattebox has a list price of $500. You can start off with the clip on version for now, then move over to the support bars once you have the dough.

The chap Carey from this site has been extremely helpful in sorting out everything I needed. Check it out:


Charles Papert November 24th, 2004 11:06 AM

Based on what I've heard about the Mini35 issue, the distance from the base of the XL1 to the center of the lens is different on the XL2, meaning that the rod system will have different specs also.

Bill Ravens November 24th, 2004 11:33 AM

I've been pretty satisfied with the bars from Cavision. Graphite 8mm bars are pretty light. I did have to machine a part to make it work right, but, it was otherwise bolt up.

Dennis Hingsberg November 24th, 2004 11:44 AM

Charles, the XL2 lens center is about 1/4" higher than the XL1. (Why canon did this is completely beyond me considering the amount of people out there who might have had XL1 accessories?)

This issue is addressed by PS Technik for the mini35 with a simple to replace platform kit.

But if you're not using the mini35, if means these add on rod kits will be 1/4" lower than normal in relation to your lens. It's real good that you pointed this out, I forgot to consider what you said.

I still say cardboard flaps and duct tape is the way to go...

Charles Papert November 24th, 2004 02:41 PM

Some matteboxes will have the provision to adjust up and down within this parameter. Others will not. It's best to get the correct rod height.

Cardboard flaps, duct tape--as I've said before, it would suprise many how much this level of tech is used even on the biggest features. For instance, the Panavision clip-on mattebox that is used for Steadicam and handheld work does not incorporate a hinged eyebrow or side flaps, so every assistant carries a homemade eyebrow that is velcroed on to the top of the mattebox and taped into the exact height. The material they use is a black corrugated board, very lightweight and strong (similar to the fixtures used in the smaller Kinoflo's). And velcro is the solution to constant taping and re-taping (and when tape is needed, either paper tape or 1" Permacel camera tape is the solution--duct tape leaves nasty residue).

But seriously--if you don't use filters and just need a sunshade, there's nothing wrong with homemade.

Bas Ladru November 26th, 2004 08:53 AM

Vocas has a very nice support and mattebox for the XL2.


Vocas website:


Dennis Hingsberg November 27th, 2004 10:20 PM

I got my MB in the mail the other day, here's a picture of my rig. It's missing the rod to matte box support, but that should be here in a week or so (coming from UK).


Charles Papert November 28th, 2004 04:41 AM


The setup is looking good! Only question--is that head really strong enough to properly support that much camera?

Dennis Hingsberg November 28th, 2004 10:36 AM

No, the head is not really strong enough. I usually end up renting a head when needed. But for me personally this is the only head I own at the moment. I'm looking at maybe a Vinten vision 3 head designed for ENG cams, but haven't decided. My setup weighs about 9 lbs and might go up a bit once I add LCD and more batteries. Any suggestions for the budget conscious?

Rob Lohman November 29th, 2004 03:05 AM

Bas: welcome aboard DVInfo.net!

Bas Ladru November 29th, 2004 08:29 AM

thanks Rob,
Did you know Vocas is also Dutch?
We have some great stuff for you.

Charles Papert November 29th, 2004 08:59 AM


Sorry, you lost me at budget conscious...! I'm fortunate enough to have picked up a 16mm accessory package that included an O'Connor 1030 head (along with Chrosziel mattebox and follow focus, filters etc) from a DP who was moving up to directing; got a great deal on the package--normally the head and sticks costs over $5K. So I'm spoiled and not in a position to judge "budget" heads!

Rob Lohman November 29th, 2004 09:24 AM

Bas: just found out, didn't know about them, thanks. Do you work
for them?

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