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Mark Grgurev July 27th, 2004 10:45 PM

XL2 Rental
Does anyone know of a place near the New Jersey area that I'll be able to rent the Xl2? Does B&H rent?

Chris Hurd July 28th, 2004 06:27 AM

Our sponsor ZGC will know who rents in the NJ area, although you're still about five weeks too early.

Daniel Broadway July 28th, 2004 11:06 AM

Well, I don't mean to hi-jack your thread, so I hope you don't mind if I post this. I just didn't want to start another thread with the same subject.

I am looking to rent an XL2 sometime in October. I'm about an hour south of Nasvhille. If anyone has any info on a place in Nasvhille I could possibly rent an XL2, that would help me out as well.

Michel Brewer August 1st, 2004 02:27 PM

you might try
showcase in atlanta, they should have it in by then and might have a rental.

Daniel Broadway August 1st, 2004 02:45 PM

Thanks Michel. Do you think they will upgrade to the XL2? Also, the film I want to use this camera for is a college project.

Do you think they might give me a rental discount since I am a student?

Bob Safay August 1st, 2004 04:04 PM

Daniel. I have been dealing with Showcase in Atlanta, GA for over 14 years. Beleive me, you can trust them. They are really professionals in the video world. Call them and ask for anyone in video, they are all pros. Bob Safay

Michel Brewer August 1st, 2004 06:49 PM


Like Bob says they are pros and when I lived there all of my dealings with them were great. They gave some great deals as well but beyond that nice, knowledgable and very fair...


Daniel Broadway August 1st, 2004 06:54 PM

Oh, it's not that I am worried about them. I just wonder if they will be upgrading to the XL2. It doesn't say anything about it on the site.

And I was just curious if they might cut me a break with a student discount on rentals.

But yeah, I'm sure they are quite trustworthy. I might give them a call. My film is VERY visual effects heavy. That being the case, I really want to shoot progressively and in 16:9.

Too bad I don't know anyone from DVinfo in the Nashville area that might lend me a hand, ha ha.

I work at WAFF Channel 48 news in Huntsville, Alabama, and we have a DVX, but I don't think they will let me use it to film a student project.

Chris Hurd August 1st, 2004 06:56 PM

<< I just wonder if they will be upgrading to the XL2 >>

Pick up the phone, call them and ask. And then please let us know what you find out. Thanks,

Daniel Broadway August 1st, 2004 07:00 PM

I will Chris, and I'll let you know what I find out.

Joseph Ivey August 2nd, 2005 08:51 AM

I live in Nashville and own an XL-2. I would also be willing to rent it out. Let me know if you are interested. October is wide open for me right now. Thanks.

Tim Durham August 2nd, 2005 10:51 PM


Originally Posted by Joseph Ivey
I live in Nashville and own an XL-2. I would also be willing to rent it out. Let me know if you are interested. October is wide open for me right now. Thanks.

Check the date of the post. It was from last year.

Joseph Ivey August 3rd, 2005 03:54 AM

well don't I feel like an idiot.

Daniel Broadway August 4th, 2005 06:57 PM

Don't feel like an idiot, cause I am in need of an XL2 rental this October as well....ha ha.

Joseph Ivey August 4th, 2005 07:03 PM

well let me know if you want to rent an XL-2. or if you would like some extra hands (I only have two to give) with your project. I am looking for stuff like this now to work on.

Daniel Broadway August 5th, 2005 05:54 PM

Actually, I'm a computer graphics student and this will be my final project. I'm filming a lightsaber duel that will be shot on all green/bluescreen.

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