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Meryem Ersoz February 26th, 2007 02:37 PM

hi even: i have "PRESET19.CPF" and "PRESET 20.CPF" --they appear as text files, rather than as document files. i don't know how to modify that. i just saved them out of the XH Editor. (since the output menu instructions are in German, i'm a bit afield....)

Felix Theissen February 26th, 2007 05:45 PM


Originally Posted by Meryem Ersoz
hi even: i have "PRESET19.CPF" and "PRESET 20.CPF" --they appear as text files, rather than as document files. i don't know how to modify that. i just saved them out of the XH Editor. (since the output menu instructions are in German, i'm a bit afield....)

Hi Meryem,
are you using the latest release of the XH Editor? You are using the mac editor, right?
When i am saving a preset file out of the XH Editor on my mac
i wonīt get a text file. Are you working on mac OS X?
Can you send me a preset file you made with the editor to my emailadress?
felix.theissen at freenet.de
(substitute the at with the emai sign)
For using presets on a sd card in your camcorder they must be stored in a
folder called "PRESET" on the sd card.
There are two kind of editors on my website: one for the XH A1/G1 camcorder
and one for the XLH1 camcorder.
The presets from one camcorder are not compatible with the other, though
the editors i wrote can convert them.
But be sure to download the right editor for your camera.
If you are working with XH A1 or G1 the XH Editor (not the XLH1 Editor) should work.

Meryem Ersoz February 27th, 2007 02:38 PM

i'll be happy to send you the files, felix, if you can send me a private e-mail that permits attachments (the DVinfo blind e-mail does not...)


Bill Busby February 27th, 2007 03:37 PM


Originally Posted by Felix Theissen
Can you send me a preset file you made with the editor to my emailadress?
felix.theissen at freenet.de
(substitute the at with the emai sign)Felix

Meryem, perhaps you missed this.


Chris Hurd February 28th, 2007 04:50 PM

Felix, you've done a great job programming these little applications.

I have two suggestions for you. First, I think it would be handy to have a "reset all" button, perhaps on the bottom right, to return all of the settings to their default positions. Second, the XH camcorder allows the preset names to include symbols such as -, +, [, etc. I think it would be most helpful if your tuner tool did as well.

Thanks again for creating these, they are most useful! Much appreciated,

Even Solberg February 28th, 2007 05:01 PM

A more far-fetched wish of mine would be to have an image that shows the effect of the maniulations. I don't mean to have a live feed or anything. Nor does it have to be exact. But just have it so that if you pull a slider, you have some idea what that might do to your picture.

The image could be something neutral like a portrait, shot with the camera set to default settings or whatever. This might make it easier to understand what's going on.

I realize this would require a lot of work, so it's not exactly a must have item. :-)

Felix Theissen February 28th, 2007 05:08 PM

Chris, thank you. You are right, i will change the input for the preset names,
that it can take +, - and so on. I realized that too a few hours after putting
the new releases online. But a reset function is already built in, it is in the
menu and it has a menu shortcut (mac: command-R win: strg-R).
Or should it be a button, too? (i could add one)


Chris Hurd February 28th, 2007 05:17 PM

Thanks Felix, I didn't realize it was in the menu! I think a button would be very helpful. Much appreciated,

Marty Hudzik March 1st, 2007 07:06 AM


Originally Posted by Chris Hurd (Post 633655)
Second, the XH camcorder allows the preset names to include symbols such as -, +, [, etc.

Based on your statement Chris, are you saying the XL-H1 doesn't allow these characters?

I don't have mine in front of me to check. If it doesn't that is fine, but Felix doesn't have access to the H1 to check and I'd hate to see him at this feature the H1 editor also and then have it break something else if it doesn't support it!

Thanks to all!

Felix Theissen March 1st, 2007 07:45 AM

Marty you are right, i wonīt add that for the XLH1 Editor until anyone confirms
that it is possible. The thing why i restricted the input to a subset of chars, was
that i had not seen other chars in the preset names and i wanted to be
cautious. But i think that most common chars are posibble in the preset name,
but i cannot verify with the A1 either because of my dealer whom i returned the
second A1 (sad story of my dumbness - i should have stayed with first one, but the canon repair
told me to send it back - and the second has a few faulty pixels with no gain i
definetly did not want to live with) run out off stock and sends me back my money
(i had such a great deal 3280,- euros). But now i found a dealer in Berlin who
will let me test it beforehand in his store. But I have to wait for the first dealer to send
back the money, before i can purchase. I am not in a hurry because i bought
it for a indie project which will not take place before summer, but wanted to
get familiar with the camcorder already.

I am waiting with changing the possible characters of preset name for the XLH1 Editor
unless you or somebody else who owns a XLH1 can give me more information.


Chris Hurd March 1st, 2007 07:57 AM

Here is your confirmation -- the XH is identical to the XL in this regard. Most all of the special characters above the number set on your keyboard are allowable, such as !, @, #, $, %, ^, &, *, (, ), _, +, =, -, [, {, ], [, as well as `, ~, a blank space, and a period (or decimal or dot).

Characters which are NOT allowed are \, |, :, ;, ", ', <, >, ?, /, or a comma.

Main point I'm making is that the XL and XH sets are indeed identical. Hope this helps,

Felix Theissen March 1st, 2007 09:25 AM

Thank you, this is a big help.
Will work it in the next version of the editors in the next days.


Even Solberg March 5th, 2007 05:29 PM

Just out of curiosity, wouldn't it be easier to have one version on each platform, and just have the user select the camera type before adjusting the values, instead of individual versions for each camera?

Felix Theissen March 6th, 2007 02:52 AM

New versions are online. I added a reset button for the recently added reset
function (reset to the default values).
And i changed for the XH and XLH1 editor the possible characters for the
internal preset names.
If someone who uses a windows version could confirm that all of the allowed
characters (based on the last post in this thread of Chris Hurd) and no
unallowed characters are possible. (I am a mac guy and i am working on a
macbook pro with parallels win but i donīt know how to generate a few
characters in the win world e.g. [,],{,},|,\, etc. with my mac keyboard and
the development environment i use to compile the windows version behaves
different on mac and win)

As with any version of these editors: the use is on your own responsibility.
take care it is beta software. if you find a bug, please let me know.


P.S. Even, i thought of this posibility too, to merge the two editors in one,
but for now i will let it as it is.

David McGiffert March 7th, 2007 01:18 AM


Your editor is great. Thank you for all the work. It has really helped.
Where should I send a donation?

David (Tourist...lol, that cracks me up)

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