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Tony Tremble February 5th, 2007 03:35 PM


Originally Posted by Piotr Wozniacki
Can anyone explain the theory behind all the color matrices (R-G Matrix etc), in layman's terms?

The R-G matrix shifts the image colour more red or green leaving blues in the image untouched.


Piotr Wozniacki February 5th, 2007 03:42 PM


Originally Posted by Tony Tremble
The R-G matrix shifts the image colour more red or green leaving blues in the image untouched.


Tony, I get it that with negative values it shifts towards red, and with positive values - toward green. Fine, but we have separate R, G, B gains as well, not to mention the G-R matrix - why the redundancy? Frankly, I couldn't tell a difference when playing with them live, using the Console...

Tony Tremble February 5th, 2007 04:50 PM


The effect of the matrices will depend on the colour content of the image you are shooting. Think of R,G & B as being axes of a cube and the Matrix functions of the XH-A1 are warping the colour space as represented by the cube along a particular axis.

Do a google search for 3d LUTs for a bit of background reading.


Piotr Wozniacki February 5th, 2007 05:26 PM


Originally Posted by Tony Tremble
Do a google search for 3d LUTs for a bit of background reading.

Thanks Tony - I've found a lot of reading, this will take me a big step forward!

Felix Theissen February 16th, 2007 06:37 AM

download links of the preset editors

i have moved the website (which has now a kind of layout)
with the download links of the XH and XLH1 custom preset editors to:


The old link still works too, but i had to change the statistics provider, because
it was so slow it prevented the site from loading.


Even Solberg February 16th, 2007 07:19 AM

Felix: I like the tool, but would it be possible to add numeric input fields to go with the value sliders? Something along the lines of:

Color Gain ----------------|---------------- [ # ]
Red Gain ----------------|---------------- [ # ]
Green Gain ----------------|---------------- [ # ]

Makes inputting custom presets from web pages and whatnot easier and more accurate. Just a suggestion.

Jay Rodriguez February 16th, 2007 09:02 PM

that'll be a great thing to add

DL'ing the tool tonight and will play with it during the week... Thanks for sharing this Felix!

Even Solberg February 18th, 2007 05:36 AM

Oh, and some of the sliders seem to have two values for zero: 0 and -0 ... Surely an undocumented feature. :-)

Felix Theissen February 18th, 2007 11:41 AM


Originally Posted by Even Solberg
Oh, and some of the sliders seem to have two values for zero: 0 and -0 ... Surely an undocumented feature. :-)

That is some thing, which is related to the development environment. But that
does not affect anything related to the presets. Anayway, i will look, whether i
can change it, because -0 is something hat bothers me ;-)
I already have included the feature you proposed (type in values directly).
When i have tested it i will put this next release online.


Even Solberg February 18th, 2007 11:59 AM

Cool beans! Thanks. Looking forward.

Felix Theissen February 26th, 2007 08:23 AM

new editor versions online
i recently added the feature to type in the values directly and a possibility to
reset the application to default and a menu with shortcuts for saving and opening, so
this last release should be more effective for fast typers.
(possible to tab through the number fields)
The fields are selected by just entering them with tab key or the mouse (you donīt need
to click in them, thats only necessary if you want to select certain parts of the
numbers or text in the fields).
since i wrote 4 different versions (XH Editor for mac, XH Editor for win, XLH1
Editor for mac, XLH1 Editor for win)
my testing was maybe not enough and as everytime i tell everybody to be
aware and take care of possible bugs, as this is beta software. The use of
the software is on your own responsibility.
(If you find bugs, please let me know)


Even Solberg February 26th, 2007 09:51 AM

I just downloaded it. Looking good. I'll dink around with it and give you feedback.

Meryem Ersoz February 26th, 2007 11:59 AM

hi felix...this looks like a very nice tool, but i'm having the same issues that marty seems to be having. i can save the presets to a file, load them to the SD card, but they're not showing up in-camera. i'm using the unstuffed mac version. any news?

Even Solberg February 26th, 2007 12:07 PM


Just to check: You're calling your files PRESETxx.CPF (where xx is a number from 00 to 20), right?

Bill Busby February 26th, 2007 01:45 PM

It seems there's too many people having trouble with this. The folder on your SD card has to be named PRESET , just like that, all CAPS & not plural, it's singular.

Drop the preset files found here on the forum in the PRESET folder & everyone should be good to go.


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