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Dave Lammey December 6th, 2006 12:14 PM

doing slo-mo in post with 24f footage
Has anyone shot in 24f and then slowed it down in post with FCP or any other NLE? How were the results?

Holly Rognan December 6th, 2006 12:24 PM

I am assuming that people have tried it, but you wont get good results from it.

You should shoot in 60i with a high shutter speed, and then slow down. ^0i has much more temporal resolution to work with and you can get significantly better results this way.

Spencer Lum December 6th, 2006 12:29 PM

They're pretty much like you'd might expect. Even with frame blending, it's stuttery if there's too much movement. If you have a slow moving object, you can go pretty slow and still get a nice look, but with typical motion, it's pretty obvious that it's been slowed down.

You could always shoot 30f or 60i and slow it down. Or you could try using something like Twixtor - I think they have a sample at http://www.revisionfx.com/rstwixtor/YDKM-10M.mpg. I've seen some nice results with it.

Dave Lammey December 6th, 2006 12:40 PM

Thanks for the replies ... I forgot about the 30f, that may be the way to go if you want to get that filmic look but still leave the opportunity for decent slo-mo in post ...

Bill Doyle December 6th, 2006 12:53 PM

I'd also be interested if anyone has tried the slow motion in Shake versus your regular NLE. It is my understanding that you'll get better results, but I don't know how that translates in the various settings, i.e. 24F, 30F, 60i, etc.

Luc Meisel December 7th, 2006 01:38 AM

That slow mo footage is amazing, though really small, hard to tell what it would look like at a larger size.

Anyone actually use this app?

Gabriel Cowan December 7th, 2006 03:50 AM

I use shake for slo mo and it blows my mind. I'd put up some clips but I don't know how. I have small clips that show how amazing it is.

John Huling December 7th, 2006 06:15 AM

I shot some "running brook" footage and "ctrl clicked" and dragged the clip about doulble the length of the original clip. It looked ok to me. I did not see "stuttering". This edit was in Vegas 7

Pete Bauer December 7th, 2006 08:04 AM

I'm a PPro and AE user, not FCP, but shouldn't matter. If you shoot 60i at 120th shutter and slow it down by 2.5 times to get 24fps using a good deinterlace algorithm, it'll cut in very nicely with with 24F at 48th shutter.

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