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-   -   Canon unveils the XHG1 and XHA1 (https://www.dvinfo.net/forum/canon-xh-series-hdv-camcorders/72285-canon-unveils-xhg1-xha1.html)

Jeff Sayre July 26th, 2006 07:10 AM

This is very interesting.

But I couldn't stop looking at the pictures, thinking how remarkably similar in styling, screen location, button positioning for the same functions, and XLR location these two cameras are to my Z1U.

Granted, there are some features I'd love to have in my Z1U, but if I also had one of the new Canon's, I'd have to look very close when I went to grab one off my equipment racks to make sure I had the correct camera. But then, wouldn't that be a nice situation to be in!

Graham Bernard July 26th, 2006 07:27 AM

There goes the retirement fund.

Thomas Smet July 26th, 2006 07:34 AM

Leave it to Canon to surprise everybody by coming out with new cameras when people least expect it.

There is finally a decent option for a production company to have a big camera (XL-H1) and also a small form factor hand held camera from the same company with hopefully similar picture quality.

Up until now SONY was the only company that had a range of products. The only problem is that both SONY cameras were hand held. The lower end HC1/A1 for SONY was also a single chip and can have a hard time matching the quality of the Z1.

I assume if the cheaper model doesn't have SDI that it will still at least have component output.

Meryem Ersoz July 26th, 2006 07:36 AM

these look impressive. now maybe apple will get off its butt and fully support 24f. i was on the verge of pulling the trigger on a used Z1 because i was getting tired of the wait, but now there's something truly worth waiting for....

does anyone have any idea about the size of the lens mount and whether my 58mm GL2 accessories or 72mm mount XL2 accessories will work with these cams? i couldn't find it in the specs, but maybe it was (heh) lost in translation.

that would be a savings in hundreds of dollars right there....

John Jay July 26th, 2006 07:44 AM

translated summary


translated spec


the 2.8 inch LCD is a bit frugal -it will be a tw*t to focus, this surprises me as I know Canon sample this board for feedback, so addressing a good focus system has largely been dashed

no mention of a dual PAL / NTSC system mod

Jeff Sayre July 26th, 2006 07:47 AM

Okay, here's an article in English I just read on Camcorderinfo.com:


Bob Zimmerman July 26th, 2006 07:49 AM

My guess on the price $2500 and $3999. Street price. Hopefully they will want to run against the Z1U and the FX1. Look for a new DVX100 too.

Chris Hurd July 26th, 2006 07:56 AM


Originally Posted by John Jay
no mention of a dual PAL / NTSC system mod

You guys aren't reading the right web sites...

See http://www.dvinfo.net/canonxh/watchdog.php under "additional features"

See also http://www.dvinfo.net/canonxh/xhfaq.php -- hope this helps,

Mark Utley July 26th, 2006 07:58 AM

These cameras are now on Canon's USA site.


And also, is that the iris ring beside the zoom ring? That would sure be nice.

Steve Connor July 26th, 2006 07:58 AM

Timecode and embedded audio through HD-SDi make this camera a fantastic player as well - even the H1 doesn't do that.

Jeff Sayre July 26th, 2006 08:01 AM


Originally Posted by Chris Hurd
You guys aren't reading the right web sites...

Okay, I guess we all feel a little foolish now. Thanks, Chris!

Jeff Sayre July 26th, 2006 08:03 AM


Originally Posted by Bob Zimmerman
My guess on the price $2500 and $3999. Street price. Hopefully they will want to run against the Z1U and the FX1. Look for a new DVX100 too.

Well, it appears the MSRP for the XH A1 will be $3999, and for the XH G1 will be $6999. So, I'm guessing the street prices will be somewhat higher than that...at least for the XH G1

Greg Boston July 26th, 2006 08:06 AM


Originally Posted by Meryem Ersoz

does anyone have any idea about the size of the lens mount and whether my 58mm GL2 accessories or 72mm mount XL2 accessories will work with these cams? i couldn't find it in the specs, but maybe it was (heh) lost in translation.

that would be a savings in hundreds of dollars right there....

The threads are 72mm like the XL cameras.


Chris Hurd July 26th, 2006 08:07 AM

Street prices from authorized dealers are seldom if ever higher than the manufacturer's suggested retail price (MSRP). At first the prices will be right at MSRP. After quite awhile they'll go down a bit. It's like that for all gear in this market, especially camcorders.

Pete Bauer July 26th, 2006 08:07 AM

Wow! With the same sensor as the H1, a wide end on 20x L glass, and a fast IR autofocus in a compact form factor at as low as $4K, the GH cameras are going to sell like hotcakes!

The only disappointment I'm seeing is the incompatibility between GH and XL custom preset files, but that probably won't be an issue for very many customers. And who knows, maybe they'll eventually offer a firmware upgrade for the H1 so it can catch up with its little brothers in the preset department.

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