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Roger Lee September 18th, 2008 06:24 AM

Mode for SD footage?
Just curious.

Everything I shoot on my A-1, I do so in HD and downconvert to SD.

Is anyone shooting in SD? Is there any advantage in shooting in SD if that is going to be the final product?


Bill Grant September 18th, 2008 06:38 AM

I'm shooting in SD for our local Cable company and the Fox station here. I'm not editing in either case and they can only accept SD in MiniDV, so that's how I shoot it.

Roger Lee September 18th, 2008 03:23 PM


Thanks for the info.

Just curious.

Rog Lee

Bill Watson September 18th, 2008 04:23 PM

Yes, I supply weekly footage for a regional tv station.

They're happy with SD so I shoot in SD and just send in the tape for them to edit. Saves extra work at my end. Quality's fine.

Occasionaly I'll do an edit (low light etc) but not often.

Tripp Woelfel September 18th, 2008 05:57 PM

Here are the guidelines I live by:

- If I'm keeping the tape: Shoot HDV
- If I'm giving the tape away and the footage will be boring: Shoot SD
- If I'm giving the tape away and the footage might be interesting: Shoot HDV and give them an SD dub.

I rarely give away tapes and am quite reticent to do it. Maybe my ego's too big, but I want to keep everything I shoot. I also never know then I might need to use the footage from the tiddly-winks contest I shot last month might be useful in a future production.

Tape's cheap. My time isn't.

Johann D.K. Cerecke September 18th, 2008 08:48 PM

I shoot everything in HD unless I'm shooting for the news, in which case they prefer 16:9 DV. I usually give them the tape after I uplink via satellite and they don't have HDV equipment to view it on, hence the SD.
But if I could I would shoot everything in HD.

Jake McGlothlin September 18th, 2008 09:26 PM

I was actually going to make a new thread about something along these lines when I saw this thread. I publish most of my shots to DVD, so which mode should I be shooting in? I have been shooting in HDV and just downconverting in post, but would I be better off just shooting in SD? Any thoughts and comments would be appreciated.

Bill Pryor September 19th, 2008 08:47 AM

I shoot everything HDV, 24F, capture in HDV1080P24 mode, edit in 23.98 timeline, then export the finished show in whatever is needed. Works for me. But if there's no need for you to have the original footage to crank out an HD program later on as HD becomes more distributable, then shooting SD should be fine.

Bill Watson September 19th, 2008 02:46 PM


Originally Posted by Tripp Woelfel (Post 939203)
I rarely give away tapes and am quite reticent to do it. Maybe my ego's too big, but I want to keep everything I shoot. I also never know then I might need to use the footage from the tiddly-winks contest I shot last month might be useful in a future production.

Tape's cheap. My time isn't.

Because I'm doing this every week I always have 5 or 6 tapes in the loop. Each segment I submit is anywhere from 5 to 6 minutes of footage (to be edited down to about 1 minute) so the tapes rotate back to me after downloading in the studio.

Each tape lasts me about 2 months and then is shelved for posterity.

Roger Lee September 20th, 2008 02:58 AM


Thanks all.

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