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Wayne Dupuis May 17th, 2008 08:00 PM

HDV a few questions
I've had my A1 for a few weeks now. I'm impressed with it. I like how it handles, and have made inroads into the custom presets.
Thank you Paulo and Wolfgang, and a few others here who have made me curious enough to want to explore. Great to have a pallet on hand for sure.

I have a few questions about HDV that I would like to have answered.

Other than having HDV tapes to archive is there any benefit to shooting in HDV downconverted to SD DVD? Does it look any better than shooting in SD to begin with.
HD DVD's created from Quicktime files output from my timeline won't play on my LGH890, but do play on my Mac. ?
If I stay in HDV instead of going to a ProRes timeline, does outputting to tape and down-converting that in camera look better on an SD DVD, rather than shooting in SD to begin with.
Also... sorry but there's going to web with HD...
What settings in Cleaner have you used/workflow from FCP 6.03.
I've been shooting/editing with a DVX for quite a while; it's gone and I am happy with my A1, it's quite a camera, and I can't wait to start my next project in a few weeks with it.

Tripp Woelfel May 17th, 2008 09:19 PM

I can share my experience on a couple of your questions.

Originally Posted by Wayne Dupuis (Post 879240)
Other than having HDV tapes to archive is there any benefit to shooting in HDV downconverted to SD DVD? Does it look any better than shooting in SD to begin with.

Actually, I haven't shot SD with my A1 and actually don't intend to. I have done about 3-4 DVDs going from HDV source and I am pleased with the quality. Others have said you'll get better quality shooting in HD vs. SD, and it makes sense since you have more information to work with. It also helps if you have to zoom in in post, which I've had to do for a couple of shots.

Also, I've output the timelines from PP in h.264 to prep for BD if I ever need to send it there. Shooting in SD doesn't give you that option.


Originally Posted by Wayne Dupuis (Post 879240)
HD DVD's created from Quicktime files output from my timeline won't play on my LGH890, but do play on my Mac. ?
If I stay in HDV instead of going to a ProRes timeline, does outputting to tape and down-converting that in camera look better on an SD DVD, rather than shooting in SD to begin with.

Can't help you there... I'm on a PC

Originally Posted by Wayne Dupuis (Post 879240)
Also... sorry but there's going to web with HD...
What settings in Cleaner have you used/workflow from FCP 6.03.
I've been shooting/editing with a DVX for quite a while; it's gone and I am happy with my A1, it's quite a camera, and I can't wait to start my next project in a few weeks with it.

That one's gonna depend on where your posting it. Your best resource is going to be the hosting site. If you're going to host it yourself, Flash is virtually ubiquitous. Output settings will depend on the anticipated bandwidth of your intended audience.

Wayne Dupuis May 18th, 2008 12:05 AM

Thank you Tripp. I did a bit of rendering again tonight; going from HDV to 4:3 timeline using Apple Intermediate compression with Quicktime export. Looks not too bad as far as size/shape etc. It's a lot to get your brain around, when outputting from this size shape. I found a 4:3 mask to lay over HD footage in SD timeline, and will go from there. Thanks again.

Alex Chamberlain May 18th, 2008 03:33 PM

I like to weigh in on this question when it comes up, since I shot an SD project in SD and afterward wished I'd shot in HD. Rather than reinventing the wheel, however, have a look at my shot comparisons in this thread:

Wayne Dupuis May 18th, 2008 08:49 PM

Yeah I saw that
I like having the bit of extra around the edges to pull push slide whatever excuse you need really to use the extra bandwidth.
I like what I am seeing when I output, but am having a bugger of a time to get this on a DVD that plays. I don't have access right now to Ridata disks which I use at work, and find them flawless. Fuji +R's are makin me mad right now.
I am sure it's the disks?
Are there any issues with this workflow to DVD...
Shot HDV 30f
HDV30p timeline/edit...
Copy finished piece to SD NTSC easysetup timeline using photo jpeg compression.
Output to a Quicktime file using "same as..."
Import media to DVDSP with SD settings.
Should work no? Must be the disks.
Thanks for the posts.

Jonathan Shaw May 18th, 2008 11:44 PM

I believe that the reason that it isn't working is that you are burning a HDV 30f footage to be played on a SD DVD. Once you have exported the QT file with current settings, chuck that into compressor and output SD DVD best quality 90 mins (depending on how long your footage is). Then import that into DVDSP and burn....

May solve it...


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