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-   -   XF300 Able to Save in UDF? Had to ask... (https://www.dvinfo.net/forum/canon-xf-series-4k-hd-camcorders/532411-xf300-able-save-udf-had-ask.html)

Richard Andert August 6th, 2016 12:50 PM

XF300 Able to Save in UDF? Had to ask...
I assume the answer is "no" but am hoping. Can the XF300 be programmed to capture in UDF?

I've added the XF300 to my 3 older XHA1 cams and am mostly very happy with it. However, I've discovered that the MXF format creates a bunch of 5-minute clips. We shoot 2-plus-hours of events (stage, concerts) and sync the multi-camera shots in Avid MC. I've been feeding the XHA1s into DTEs using CF cards (normal tape backup in those cams) and those DTEs create one nice, long file in UDF. Imports very quickly into the NLE. The MXF files import fine and I tack 'em together seamlessly but it takes more time to make a 60-to-120 minute file to sync with the other UDF files.

I've been searching for UDF regarding the XF300 and am finding nothing.

Gary Huff August 6th, 2016 02:53 PM

Re: XF300 Able to Save in UDF? Had to ask...
The answer to that is no. FAT32 is the format the cards have to be in.

Richard Andert August 18th, 2016 12:28 AM

Re: XF300 Able to Save in UDF? Had to ask...
Figured. Thx. Great camera, though!

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