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-   -   CP's for XF200/XF205 (https://www.dvinfo.net/forum/canon-xf-series-4k-hd-camcorders/524539-cps-xf200-xf205.html)

Wil Vermeesch August 17th, 2014 11:27 PM

CP's for XF200/XF205
Are there already Custom Picture settings for the XF200/XF205?

I asume the ones to be used at XF100 will probably do on these cameras too.

Thanks in advance for your feedback,

Pete Bauer August 18th, 2014 09:13 AM

Re: CP's for XF200/XF205
I don't have an XF200/205 to actually try it, but probably not. From the bottom of page 143 in the English version of the user manual:


Only camera settings from other XF200 / XF205 camcorders can be used with this camera.
It is also a different sensor than the XF100/105 and historically Canon has, unfortunately, not engineered its Custom Picture profiles to be in any way interchangeable from one camera to another.

As few 200 / 205 cameras as are in the field yet (still don't see the 205 as available here in the U.S.), you're probably on your own to build CP profiles for a while.

Greg Clark August 19th, 2014 10:40 AM

Re: CP's for XF200/XF205
I'm waiting for the comparison between one chip Xf200 and three chip Sony NX3.

Reed Gidez March 21st, 2015 03:58 PM

Re: CP's for XF200/XF205
Refreshing this older thread....

Does anyone know of source for camera profiles for the XF200/205? I've searched the web but have not come up with anything.



Steven Bisig January 16th, 2016 12:09 PM

Re: CP's for XF200/XF205
Bump again.

I just picked up a XF200. Still getting used to the camera (coming from a Nikon D810) and at the stage of messing with custom custom picture profiles. Thanks.

Reed Gidez January 29th, 2016 03:07 PM

Re: CP's for XF200/XF205
Hello Steven

It can get lonely here in this thread....

I joined a couple of FB pages devoted to XF 200/205 and am mining those groups for additional CPs. In particular, I am looking for a profile that better matches the 200 to the XA 20 as I use them for theatrical docs and they seem to do well (for that size sensor) in the light available.

Happy hunting!


Greg Clark February 20th, 2016 06:48 AM

Re: CP's for XF200/XF205
Still waiting for a review between XF205 1 chip vs NX3 3 chip? Thanks for the help.

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