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Canon XF Series 4K and HD Camcorders
Canon XF705, XF405, XF305, XF205 and XF105 (with SDI), Canon XF400, XF300, XF200 and XF100 (without SDI).

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Old August 17th, 2011, 08:02 AM   #16
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Re: XF300 vs. 7d

In terms of depth of field, the XF300 will look just like your old XHA1. But the color and dynamic range will be a zillion times better.

The 'film look' you're after needs good lenses on the 7D, so there's very little price difference once you've added all the lenses and accessories you'll need - with the XF300 probably coming out cheaper.

They're apples and oranges - completelly different tools for different jobs.

Get a T3i and a 50mm lens to play with shallow depth of field AND an XF100 to film events and you won't break the bank (or your budget) and will have your cake and eat it too.

The XF300 gets 41 minutes from a 16gb card at the best quality setting.
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Old August 17th, 2011, 12:29 PM   #17
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Re: XF300 vs. 7d

I've got an A1, XF300 and a 7d.

I got the 7d for the DoF and film look. On a few occasions, I tried to use the camera as a replacement for the XF but gave up. It's just not the same as a Camcorder. Plus you end up spending more $$$ to turn it into a camcorder equivelant.

I use the 7d for artistic shots only and it's great with the Philip Bloom slider.

Personally, I wouldn't change the A1 for a 7d. I'd get a 7d and use it with the A1.

Ideally, I'd rather have an XF and an AF101.

All depends on what you are going to use it for.
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Old August 17th, 2011, 06:54 PM   #18
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Re: XF300 vs. 7d

Totally agree regarding the 60D compared to 7D, overheating is a real problem and a pain. Flip LCD is great. The only plus of the 7D is build quality, I shoot sometimes with another guy and he has a 60D and the rubber is coming off the body and it looks pretty tired. 7D is better if it is lightly raining too. If you are gentle with it then the 60D wins by far.
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Old August 18th, 2011, 01:18 AM   #19
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Re: XF300 vs. 7d

Originally Posted by Mikko Topponen View Post
It will look even worse on a deep dof camera such as the XF-series. I've seen a lot of poorly shot documentary footage where the focus is on the backwall instead of the speaker. Never seen anything like that even with poorly shot DSLR footage
Simple answer, don't rely on the autofocus.

Maybe I haven't seen the backwall footage you describe, but I have seen plenty of poor video shot with a DSLR, come to that I have also seen plenty of excellent footage shot with the same. Cameras, HDSLR or camcorders are a means to an end, in experienced hands they will deliver stunning footage, in other hands they may be better left in the box.
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Old August 18th, 2011, 01:31 AM   #20
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Re: XF300 vs. 7d

Originally Posted by Vincent Oliver View Post
Simple answer, don't rely on the autofocus.
in experienced hands they will deliver stunning footage, in other hands they may be better left in the box.
Well said.
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Old August 18th, 2011, 03:48 AM   #21
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Re: XF300 vs. 7d

Originally Posted by Syeed Ali View Post
I've got an A1, XF300 and a 7d.

I got the 7d for the DoF and film look. On a few occasions, I tried to use the camera as a replacement for the XF but gave up. It's just not the same as a Camcorder. Plus you end up spending more $$$ to turn it into a camcorder equivelant.

I use the 7d for artistic shots only and it's great with the Philip Bloom slider.

Personally, I wouldn't change the A1 for a 7d. I'd get a 7d and use it with the A1.

Ideally, I'd rather have an XF and an AF101.

All depends on what you are going to use it for.

Image wise, how do you compare the XF and the A1? I've heard that the XF is heads and shoulders above and I've also heard it's not all that much better. Since you actually own both cameras, I'd love to hear your take on how the two compare image wise.

Thanks much!
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Old August 18th, 2011, 04:05 AM   #22
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Re: XF300 vs. 7d

The Ai is a HDTV (1440 x 1080) and SD whereas the the XF 300/305 offers full HD 1920x1080, 1280 x 720 and 1440 x 1080. Image quality the XF is head and shoulders better than the Ai, and it uses memory cards not that black stuff - forget the name as I haven't used it for a few years.

The 7D is a great camera but I personally wouldn't use it as my number 1 camera, you need too many bits to bring it up to spec and then you defeat the whole object of using a light portable HDSLR camera, and with all the extra bits added you look like a walking hardware store.

Just my view
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Old August 18th, 2011, 08:47 AM   #23
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Re: XF300 vs. 7d

Originally Posted by Peter Moretti View Post

Image wise, how do you compare the XF and the A1? I've heard that the XF is heads and shoulders above and I've also heard it's not all that much better. Since you actually own both cameras, I'd love to hear your take on how the two compare image wise.

Thanks much!
Hi Peter,

Straight from the camera and without any tweaking in post I prefer the footage from the A1. Where the A1 footage looks rich and warm, I find the XF a little cold and clinical.

(I'm alternating between the Vortex and BBC settings for the XF and one of the custom pre-sets from this forum for the A1.)

The XF is a nice camera and apart from the zoom selector option a great camera to use. I'm not disappointed that I purchased it and also I wouldn't have been disappointed if it gave the same footage as the A1.

I also prefer the look of the 7d over the XF and the A1.

When I first got the 7d I used it as a second camera just to test it out. After seeing the footage, I forgot about the XF footage and used the 7d footage for the interview parts. It just looks so much nicer. See: Concours D'Elegance 2011 preview - YouTube
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Old August 18th, 2011, 05:55 PM   #24
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Re: XF300 vs. 7d

Wow, a lot of feedback in the last couple of days. Its good to see and I am picking up a lot of useful info on the 2 cameras. I really like that piece you posted Syeed. I love the look of it. I have gotten into shooting automotive videos as well but it is not what I do exclusively. Was that all on a 7d?
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Old August 18th, 2011, 05:59 PM   #25
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Re: XF300 vs. 7d

Originally Posted by Syeed Ali View Post
Hi Peter,

Straight from the camera and without any tweaking in post I prefer the footage from the A1. Where the A1 footage looks rich and warm, I find the XF a little cold and clinical.

That surprises me, the XF must be so much nicer to colour grade though? Did you mainly use your A1 in 50i or 25p
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Old August 20th, 2011, 03:33 AM   #26
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Re: XF300 vs. 7d

Originally Posted by Syeed Ali View Post
Straight from the camera and without any tweaking in post I prefer the footage from the A1. Where the A1 footage looks rich and warm, I find the XF a little cold and clinical...

I also prefer the look of the 7d over the XF and the A1.

When I first got the 7d I used it as a second camera just to test it out. After seeing the footage, I forgot about the XF footage and used the 7d footage for the interview parts. It just looks so much nicer. See: Concours D'Elegance 2011 preview - YouTube
Interesting Syeed, just shows how personal/subjective our preferences are :-)

I've owned a couple of XH-A1s, the 7D, and currently have a 5DII and XF300. For me the XF is quite a step up from the A1 in colour/detail, and the lens is far superior (no noticeable CA for example). In terms of usability - with the scopes, larger VF, CF media etc - there's no contest. And then, when it comes to post, the codec makes a massive difference with grading/keying.

When comparing the 5DII/7D to the XF, the differences are even more stark. I've been shooting almost exclusively with the XF this year (occasionally I use the DSLR for a cutaway) and when I mix and match shots for reel purposes etc, there's just a massive difference in IQ when playing at 720p and up. The XF footage is so much more detailed, the gradients far superior, and it's not messed up but wacky moire/aftifacting.

The XF takes more work in post to achieve great results - I do CC a lot, but for me the IQ is very pleasing vis-a-vis the DSLRs. I won't even touch on the usability issues!

But yes, it's very much a matter of personal preference: I'm planning to embark on a feature in the coming months and I'll be using the XF, the 5DII will be restricted to stills.
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Old August 20th, 2011, 04:26 AM   #27
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Re: XF300 vs. 7d

Just to add another dimension to this thread. I am currently working on a HDSLR DVD using the Nikon D7000. At times I felt I was fighting a losing battle, but then I used some of my old series Nikkor lenses which give full aperture control etc. and the results are outstanding. I will syill use the XF305 and Sony EX3 as my main video cameras but will supplement the video with clips shot on the D7000. Last year I used the Canon 7D for my "a guide to DSLR photography" DVD. I wasn't too impressed with the video material I shot with this camera, but then I didn't have full manual control on the lenses I was given.

Interesting times :-)
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Old August 21st, 2011, 11:47 AM   #28
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Re: XF300 vs. 7d

I really like the look of the videos these guys make: wagenwerks's videos on Vimeo
Ultimately, that is what I would like my stuff to look like.
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Old August 22nd, 2011, 08:31 AM   #29
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Re: XF300 vs. 7d

Originally Posted by Mark Koha View Post
Ultimately, that is what I would like my stuff to look like.
Mark, you don't need $7K camera for that look , any DSLR with decent lens will do the job, i'm pretty sure majority, if not all, of the stuff was shot with DSLRs, when we're talking about look, it is mostly about lighting, shot composition and post work,
I said it many times, i'll say it again, some people shoot better with HV20 than some with Epic :)
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Old August 22nd, 2011, 12:36 PM   #30
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Re: XF300 vs. 7d

Ahhh, if only I had the money for an Epic. Hell, I would take a RED One if I could afford it.
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