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Elaine Velazquez July 30th, 2011 12:05 PM

Canon XF300 Loss of Media Clips
I have a Canon XF300 use SanDisk Extreme 32 gig cards. Yesterday I shot about a half hour of footage and when I went to download the virtual media and the Canon Utility dialog box read "cannot read clips" and the video was not there. I had previous clips on the card and they were still there but the new footage was gone. I don't think it was the camera since when I shot again and downloaded the video the number of was new clip was 15 numbers later. Does anyone know if there is a program to retrieve media? Any help would be very welcome.
Elaine Velazquez
Independent Producer
Portland, OR

Larry Becker July 30th, 2011 02:18 PM

Re: Canon XF300 Loss of Media Clips
Sandisc used to supply something called Rescue Pro with its cards - usually in the form of a 3" cd that was included with the card. I haven't seen one in a while with their products. When I Googled it, I came up with this site:
RescuePRO File Recovery Software - Data Recovery Software
- they seem to be the current supplier of the software. The deluxe version is $60/year - yikes!

It isn't even listed on Sandisk's site. Weird...

Anyway, I haven't had that issue with my XF300, but the product has worked with my other Canon SLR files. Do you have a version of it from another Sandisk card?

Sorry I couldn't be of more help -


Nigel Barker August 1st, 2011 01:11 AM

Re: Canon XF300 Loss of Media Clips
Every Sandisc Extreme card that I have came with a little slip of paper with a serial number & details of how to download & register RescuePro.

Graham Bernard August 1st, 2011 07:22 AM

Re: Canon XF300 Loss of Media Clips

Originally Posted by Nigel Barker (Post 1671578)
. . . . with a serial number & details of how to download & register RescuePro.

Thanks for the Heads-Up Nigel!


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