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Chris Hurd January 5th, 2011 08:39 AM

Canon Introduces the Compact XA10 Professional Camcorder
4 Attachment(s)
Full press release located here:

Canon Introduces the Compact XA10 Professional Camcorder at DVInfo.net

More photos to be found in the press release linked above. Here's a few...

Kyle Root January 5th, 2011 08:54 AM

I just saw it on Canons website, along with their slew of new consumer camcorders. I like this model, and it's at a good price point too.

Michael Galvan January 5th, 2011 09:01 AM

Yup, their new lineup of cams really is interesting.

They basically brought the same lens/sensor/dsp of their XF line to their top of the line consumer cam as well as the XA10.

The main differentiator in terms of image quality now is the codec.

All the gaps in the line feel like they have been filled now. Only thing left now is at the very high-end, with a Canon XL successor needed.

Lawrence Bansbach January 5th, 2011 09:05 AM

Nice, but when will they release a larger-sensor (APS-C) camcorder? If Sony can do it for $2,000, then Canon should be able to do it, with 24p, for $1,200-$1,500 (sans lens).

Chris Hurd January 5th, 2011 09:18 AM

These are CES announcements. The camera you're proposing is not a CES thing (at least, not for Canon USA). It's more like an NAB thing.

Don Parrish January 5th, 2011 09:28 AM

I was hoping for a shoulder mount. B & H has de-listed the XLH1S and XLH1A from it's site and I was hoping for a replacement, could this be a CES thing. Maybe a shoulder mount XF ??

Casey Krugman January 5th, 2011 09:28 AM


Originally Posted by Chris Hurd (Post 1604663)
These are CES announcements. The camera you're proposing is not a CES thing (at least, not for Canon USA). It's more like an NAB thing.

I don't know Chris... It's true that it SHOULD be an NAB thing, but how many times have we seen prototypes at consumer shows, or at the very least, about a month or two before NAB the companies usually do full press releases and then show at NAB. I could see them having something up their sleeves that will be on display at CES, like that 4k concept camera at Canon Expo...

That being said... Please don't bring out that concept camera again. As Stu M said on Prolost, "Very Funny Canon... Now get back to work."

Chris Hurd January 5th, 2011 09:42 AM


Originally Posted by Don Parrish (Post 1604668)
I was hoping for a shoulder mount... Maybe a shoulder mount XF ??

Not at CES. Remember it's a *consumer* electronics show. A shoulder mount XF is
very much a pro-level thing. This little XA10 is as pro as Canon's gonna get at CES.
They'll show their higher-end stuff at NAB.

Rob Katz January 5th, 2011 09:49 AM

anyone know how the newly releases canon xa10 differs/compares/is the same as the previously newly released canon xf100?

thanks in advance

be well


Chris Hurd January 5th, 2011 09:55 AM


Originally Posted by Casey Krugman (Post 1604669)
I don't know Chris... It's true that it SHOULD be an NAB thing, but how many times have we seen prototypes at consumer shows...

In the dozen years that I've been watching, attending, or exhibiting at CES, I can tell
you that Canon has never once shown prototypes there. Only new products that are
30 to 90 days from shipping.


Originally Posted by Casey Krugman (Post 1604669)
or at the very least, about a month or two before NAB the companies usually do full press releases and then show at NAB. I could see them having something up their sleeves that will be on display at CES, like that 4k concept camera at Canon Expo...

Panasonic and JVC will hold pre-NAB press announcements a couple of months in
advance. Sony seldom does and Canon never has, since I first started attending in 1996.


Originally Posted by Casey Krugman (Post 1604669)
That being said... Please don't bring out that concept camera again. As Stu M said on Prolost, "Very Funny Canon... Now get back to work."

As Philip Bloom correctly pointed out, Stu wasn't clear on the "concept." Canon Inc.
had absolutely no intention of revealing their *actual* forthcoming 4K camera design
(that is, if such a thing actually exists...).

The only logical conclusion a person could make from that concept piece is that the
real thing isn't going to look anything like that. I was surprised that Stu couldn't make
that simple connection. From the way he wrote his blog entry, it seemed as though
he thought a Canon 4K camera would really ship like that -- while myself and others
carefully explained that it should be obvious that it wouldn't.

What Stu didn't get is that Canon just wanted to demonstrate their 4K acquisition
ability without tipping off the actual camera design that they're (supposedly?) working
on. See my article: Canon Inc. shows UHD at Canon Expo at DVInfo.net

Chris Hurd January 5th, 2011 10:00 AM


Originally Posted by Rob Katz (Post 1604673)
anyone know how the newly releases canon xa10 differs/compares/is the same as the previously newly released canon xf100?

Same: sensor, processor, lens, EVF, flip-out LCD.

Different: AVCHD codec (instead of XF), SDXC card slots (instead of Compact Flash), built-in 64GB flash memory. Flip-out LCD adds touch-panel controls.

Those are the main things anyway.

Andy Wilkinson January 5th, 2011 10:01 AM

From what I've so far read on the Canon website product pages just released it seems to be mainly the codec (up to 24Mbps AVCHD versus the 50Mbps MPEG codec), SDHC etc. type cards versus Compact Flash, Internal flash memory (64GB) versus none in the XF100. Not sure yet if it has an auto Neutral Density filter. Lots of other subtlties no doubt that will emerge. I think it also lacks the "little control thumbwheel" but has that great feature of detachable handle/XLR unit. Oh, and it's about $1300 cheaper. Looks like a winner in many respects!

Hopefully we will know more very, very soon from folks at CES this week.

D.J. Ammons January 5th, 2011 10:02 AM

With the XLR audio capability and lens hood this might be that "bridge" camera attractive to those with a consumer camera budget who want to do wedding or event videography but need a camera that looks pro enough to impress the customer.

Based on my several years old Canon HV20 I have no doubt it also has a great pic. Will be interesting to see what the street price will be. I am guessing around $1500

Chris Hurd January 5th, 2011 10:09 AM

When it starts shipping in March, street price will be at or very close to full MSRP, which is $2,000.

Rob Katz January 5th, 2011 10:11 AM


Originally Posted by Chris Hurd (Post 1604678)
Same: sensor, processor, lens, EVF, flip-out LCD.

Different: AVCHD codec (instead of XF), SDXC card slots (instead of Compact Flash), built-in 64GB flash memory. Flip-out LCD adds touch-panel controls.

Those are the main things anyway.


thanks for the info.

i know that canon's xf codec was a version of sony's codec "borrowed" from the ex1/ex3 series of cameras.

is the avchd codec that canon is employing w/the xa10, a new canon product or a tried & true flavor "borrowed" from another camera maker?

moving from 50mbps to 24mbps can be a headache depending on the use of the footage.

moving from compact flash to sdhc feels like a wash to me. agree/disagree?

having 64gb of flash memory is a big plus.

canon has gotten to tapeless very late but in the last 6mos they have introduced the xf305/xf300, xf105/xf100 and now the xa10. good to see canon trying to close the gap between them and sony/panasonic.


be well


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