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Rob Robinson May 18th, 2007 08:22 PM

TL-H43 telephoto zoom
Has anyone tried this with the HV20? I am specifically interested in knowing if there is ANY vignetting when the HV20 is wide-open (1.8 aperture)? There are reports that the TL43 (no H) does show some of the adapter at wide angle and you'd need to zoom the HV20 to zoom past it. Thats not going to work for me. I especially need to stay wide-open in order to keep the aperture at 1.8 for low-light shots (I'm using a 35mm adapter so every bit of light is precious).


Rob Robinson

Robert Ducon May 18th, 2007 08:34 PM

I'm a bit confused.. you don't intend to use the wide angle lens with the 35mm adapter, do you?

I have use a Brevis and I own a different wide angle lens, but I don't use either at the same time.

Maury McEvoy May 18th, 2007 09:55 PM

Canon Tele-Converter TL-H43 1.7x
I am using Canon's TL-H43 1.7x with my HV20.

The TL-H43 also shows some of the adapter at wide angle.

It works very well at high zoom, but not at wide angle.

Rob Robinson May 19th, 2007 07:37 AM


Originally Posted by Robert Ducon (Post 681936)
I'm a bit confused.. you don't intend to use the wide angle lens with the 35mm adapter, do you?

I have use a Brevis and I own a different wide angle lens, but I don't use either at the same time.

What I'm trying to do is use the H43 in order to not use the achromat on the adapter and possibly not need to zoom the HV20 as much. Right now I have to zoom the HV20 to 2.2 (with 1.8 being wide open) in order to frame the GC on the Brevis. I thought that by using this telephoto adapter (instead or with the achromat) I could then zoom out less on the HV20 (for backfocus) and therefore have a wider aperture and thus more light coming into the camera.

Rob Robinson May 19th, 2007 07:39 AM


Originally Posted by Maury McEvoy (Post 681972)
I am using Canon's TL-H43 1.7x with my HV20.

The TL-H43 also shows some of the adapter at wide angle.

It works very well at high zoom, but not at wide angle.

Thanks Maury, I was afraid of that... Oh well back to the drawing board then. I suppose the tolerances on the HV20 are too tight for ANY adapter to avoid being seen at wide zoom.

Austin Meyers May 19th, 2007 09:10 AM

doesn't the tele adapter also move the minimum focus distance out by 1.7x as well? so using it instead of a macro type lense wouldn't be optimal... correct me if i'm wrong anyone.

Rob Robinson May 19th, 2007 03:28 PM


Originally Posted by Austin Meyers (Post 682162)
doesn't the tele adapter also move the minimum focus distance out by 1.7x as well? so using it instead of a macro type lense wouldn't be optimal... correct me if i'm wrong anyone.

Yes it does (3 cm for this adapter), but that works well for the Brevis as far as distance to the GC. Again, I had no idea this would work but I was willing to try anything to stop having to zoom the HV20 from 1.8 to 2.2. I think my next best bet is to find a larger archomat (82mm perhaps) but I may be trying to do something that just wont fly. I wish that lenses were removable on camcorders so that we could optimize for 35mm adapters.

Robert Ducon May 19th, 2007 03:33 PM

You will need to verifty first if the TFH43 has front threads.. the wide angle sadly doesn't.

Rob Robinson May 19th, 2007 03:36 PM


Originally Posted by Robert Ducon (Post 682293)
You will need to verifty first if the TFH43 has front threads.. the wide angle sadly doesn't.

It doesn't (per the marketing info). I was ok with that though since the Brevis has tension screws to connect to the achromat (or this instead). I think what I need is a bigger achromat so that the GC is magnified larger such that the HV20 then doesnt need to be zoomed as much. I know the difference between 1.8 and 2.2 doesn't seem like much but for low-light situations that extra 66% of light would be nice to have!

Rob Robinson May 19th, 2007 03:55 PM

Something else I've been considering is just using two achormats together inline. I was wondering how to figure out what size that would magnify the GC and would that be "too big" now for the wide open on the HV20. Maybe not....

Austin Meyers May 19th, 2007 10:13 PM

as far as the missing filter rings on the converters what about something like this?


Rob Robinson May 20th, 2007 07:27 AM


Originally Posted by Austin Meyers (Post 682465)
as far as the missing filter rings on the converters what about something like this?


Interesting... I didn't know they made clamps for one side of step-ups. This could prove useful if I can find a larger achromat. Thanks!

Austin Meyers May 20th, 2007 03:04 PM

i should get my tl-h43 on tues, at which point i'll measure it's OD and probably order a clamp on step up so i can put a UV and or polarizer on it, although i might run the polarizer inbetween the tl and the cam, just have to wait and see

Austin Meyers May 22nd, 2007 04:41 PM

got my TL-h43 today, it's much heftier than i was expecting


and here a movie zooming through with and without.


also i'm going to get a clamp on step up ring...probably this one, as the OD is 74.5mm as stated by the lense cap that is included.


Rob Robinson May 22nd, 2007 08:11 PM

Thanks Austin,

Wow seems like to me that only half the zoom range is usable to avoid vignetting. Although at the long end of the zoom it was nice to see twice as much. This defintely lets me know that I need to keep looking at other options.

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