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David Newman May 21st, 2007 09:04 AM


Originally Posted by Owen Meek (Post 683041)
some clarification please... the NeoHDV does not come with hardware capture card and costs $249 for the software? plus another $250 for BlackMagic Intensity Card (that comes with the free MJPEG), that totals $500 for a setup that is an excellent match for HV20 right?

That is correct.


will a PCI Express card to PCMCIA converter work for laptops?
PCMCIA is too slow, so it will not work.

Owen Meek May 21st, 2007 11:29 AM

thanks Chief :)

Glenn Thomas May 21st, 2007 06:48 PM


Originally Posted by David Newman (Post 681109)
If you are capture live from the Intensity, no deartifacting is neccessary as no MPEG compression has been applied.

Sorry, I should have mentioned if it was being used to capture normal HDV footage. Although I guess the HV20's footage isn't too bad to begin with, so the conversion to 4:2:2 may improve the image quality anyway.

Michael Rosenberger May 21st, 2007 09:56 PM


Originally Posted by David Newman (Post 681109)
If you are capture live from the Intensity, no deartifacting is neccessary as no MPEG compression has been applied.

Begs to ask when the HDMI attachable hard drive will come out. ;)

John Godden May 21st, 2007 10:59 PM


Does this direct-capture method help in terms of pan speed or scene/object motion?


Wayne Morellini May 22nd, 2007 06:35 AM

100%, uncompressed (but motion blur also depends on shutter). Compression leads to compromises, something like cineform has very low compromises, and usually not related to this area. It is the level next to the best (uncompressed)

hard drive HDMI, Tzero has been developing an wireless HDMI standard (wavelet compression up to 200mb/s 4:2:2 possible single codec, 4:4:4 400mb/s dual codec (or something like that)) based off their Wireless USB standard, an adaptor that could take HDMI and save to an USB drive, should be easy (are there any manufacturers listening?).

Mike Thomann May 22nd, 2007 01:54 PM

I was looking forward to the Philips wireless HDMI over the Tzero because the Philips is uncompressed, but the possibility of making use of the Tzero compression is an interesting prospect for convenience over a dedicated computer or laptop.

Bruce Allen May 22nd, 2007 04:24 PM


Thanks for posting the tests. I don't know if you were aware of this, but I offered beer or chocolates to the first person to post good HDMI vs HDV comparisons from the HV20.

So... any requests?

Bruce Allen

Mike Thomann May 22nd, 2007 10:41 PM

Well beer sounds great but Derek deserves all the credit. I got a case of chilled Molson Canadian sitting right here. Cheers!

Wayne Morellini May 24th, 2007 01:51 AM

I should point out, the existing wireless HDMI solution is just an link, but their is the possibility there for somebody to make it more. I have heard of them demonstrating it with something like 70mb/s, from memory, and it was not so impressive, but the chip and the link is capable of an much higher data rate (so remember this if you see one being demoed).

Michael Rosenberger May 24th, 2007 06:59 AM


Originally Posted by David Newman (Post 683058)
PCMCIA is too slow, so it will not work.

Express34 on a Mac?

Bruce Allen May 24th, 2007 10:51 PM


a) what beer / chocolate do you want?

b) I want to point the Red people to your still samples but don't want to overwhelm your server. Mind if I mirror them?



Derek Green May 25th, 2007 06:50 PM


Originally Posted by Mike Thomann (Post 684314)
Well beer sounds great but Derek deserves all the credit. I got a case of chilled Molson Canadian sitting right here. Cheers!

Thanks Mike, yeah... do you think you can fedex me one of those babies? ;)

Derek Green May 25th, 2007 06:58 PM


Originally Posted by Bruce Allen (Post 685971)

a) what beer / chocolate do you want?

b) I want to point the Red people to your still samples but don't want to overwhelm your server. Mind if I mirror them?



Beer, yes! Seriously though, it was my pleasure posting those. I'd been dying to test that card for so long.

Yeah, go for it. It's all good. :)

Frank Howard May 30th, 2007 01:12 PM

Impressive. I am now sorely tempted to get an Intensity (although my camera is not a HV20 but a Sony HVR-A1U).

A couple of questions though:
1) I have Premiere, so should I stick with Aspect HD or do I need to move over to NeoHD?
2) I am not familiar with PCI express, does that mean they won't work in the normal slots? I am not looking for realtime, just quality.

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