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-   -   Larry's HV20 clip--raw and then pure 24p (https://www.dvinfo.net/forum/canon-vixia-series-avchd-hdv-camcorders/89642-larrys-hv20-clip-raw-then-pure-24p.html)

Barlow Elton March 22nd, 2007 05:51 PM

Larry's HV20 clip--raw and then pure 24p
Here's Larry's NY street clip as a raw m2t: http://disk.dvinfo.net/public/media/...0/hv20-raw.m2t Right click/save (remember, the interlace lines are pulldown for 60i compatibility

Here's the same clip as a high bit rate h.264 (25 mbit) with pulldown removed. Pure 1080 24p! :http://disk.dvinfo.net/public/media/...0-H264-24p.mov

Thanks Larry!

Mike Horrigan March 22nd, 2007 06:12 PM

Looks great! How did you remove the pulldown?

What did you use?


Barlow Elton March 22nd, 2007 06:27 PM

I converted the clip in MPEG Streamclip to uncompressed, then imported to Cinema Tools and performed an inverse telecine. Then encoded again for the web. You actually have to be careful about the conversion to full 1920x1080. Scaling and chroma interlacing have to be just right, otherwise you get some artifacts when extracting to 24 fps.

Austin Meyers March 22nd, 2007 06:40 PM

rev telecine
i've been playing with this same clip, using mpeg streamclip, i exported to apple intermediate codec, and then used cinema tools to do the rev telecine. did you just test the different settings to remove the pulldown (as i did) i eventually found the one that worked. or is there a method to the madness that i don't know. and what do you mean by artifacts? when i did the process above the AIC encoded file has a flicker on the reds and greens only (the store canopies) is that what you're talking about? ...interestingly enough as i'm writing this i set one to export out to h264 and the flickering that affected the AIC version doesn't affect the h264. i'm uploading it to my server as we speak and will post it

Austin Meyers March 22nd, 2007 06:54 PM

clip w/ flicker
here's a slice of the AIC encoded movie


notice the flicker in the red and green banners

Glenn Thomas March 22nd, 2007 06:59 PM

I've been been trying hard to find some rolling shutter artifacts in this clip, especially in the fast pan shots. There just don't seem to be any which is good.

Barlow Elton March 22nd, 2007 07:01 PM


Originally Posted by Austin Meyers (Post 646406)
did you just test the different settings to remove the pulldown (as i did) i eventually found the one that worked.or is there a method to the madness that i don't know.

A little bit of method amidst the madness ;) I've found that if I export a clip into the intermediate codec with a standard pulldown cadence (3 progressve/2interlace etc.) and keep it consistent from start to finish,(always make the clips out point the second pulldown frame) I get a good extraction.


and what do you mean by artifacts? when i did the process above the AIC encoded file has a flicker on the reds and greens only (the store canopies) is that what you're talking about? ...interestingly enough as i'm writing this i set one to export out to h264 and the flickering that affected the AIC version doesn't affect the h264. i'm uploading it to my server as we speak and will post it
Yes, I got the same flickering colors. I solved it by exporting as a 1920 x 1080 image with the "Interlaced Scaling" and "Reinterlace Chroma" enabled. Also, make sure the clip is rendered upper field first.

Then I use these settings in Cinema Tools: http://www.dvinfo.net/conf/attachmen...1&d=1174336954

Dan Peterson March 22nd, 2007 07:10 PM

Can somebody please explain briefly what horsepower/system or other codecs needed to play these 1920 x 1280 h.264 .mov clips?
My system freezes when trying to play them via Quicktime. (P4 3.0 GHz, 2 GB RAM, XP Pro).

Austin Meyers March 22nd, 2007 07:14 PM

rev telecine
i used the same cinema tools setup as your except the drop down was set to "style 2."

do you know if all 24p in 60i clips will process using this same setting or will each individual clip captured have to be tweaked because of start/stop?

Larry Kamerman March 22nd, 2007 08:08 PM


Originally Posted by Barlow Elton (Post 646379)
Thanks Larry!

Thank you, Barlow. I shot it, but you did pretty much all the rest.

Barlow Elton March 22nd, 2007 09:15 PM


Originally Posted by Dan Peterson (Post 646432)
Can somebody please explain briefly what horsepower/system or other codecs needed to play these 1920 x 1280 h.264 .mov clips?
My system freezes when trying to play them via Quicktime. (P4 3.0 GHz, 2 GB RAM, XP Pro).

Sorry if it's choking your system. I've heard that h.264's on Windows require even more computing power. I don't know if it requires dual core/hyperthreading etc. Maybe some PC users with beefy systems could chime in if they're having similar issues.

Thomas Barthle Jr. March 22nd, 2007 09:52 PM

What is MPEG Streamclip? I am most certainly a rookie and have only used Vegas, .AVI clips. I have never used any other codec. Do all NLE's have an "mpeg streamclip" like converter?


Austin Meyers March 22nd, 2007 10:21 PM

mpeg streamclip

Originally Posted by Thomas Barthle Jr. (Post 646502)
What is MPEG Streamclip? I am most certainly a rookie and have only used Vegas, .AVI clips. I have never used any other codec. Do all NLE's have an "mpeg streamclip" like converter?


mpeg streamclip is just a converter, that has a broader scope that quicktime, at least without hunting down some many different codecs. it's completely separate from any NLE.

i can only speak for FCP, but it has a side app called compressor which does alot of conversion/export stuff. it's only limited to what your qt player can export/process.

i use mpeg streamclip a lot when dealing with raw forms of mpeg stuff (.vob's m2t's etc...), converting them to dv for editing purposes and it really does the trick, and quickly, and i've never had any crashing issues either.

here's the link:


Greg Boston March 22nd, 2007 10:36 PM


Originally Posted by Barlow Elton (Post 646487)
Sorry if it's choking your system. I've heard that h.264's on Windows require even more computing power. I don't know if it requires dual core/hyperthreading etc. Maybe some PC users with beefy systems could chime in if they're having similar issues.

FYI, I got jerky playback on the H.264 file also. I've had some similar problems when encoding H.264 using MPEG Streamclip.


Brad Schreiber March 22nd, 2007 10:42 PM

Pulldown Issues
Forgive my lack of knowledge on this, but why was pulldown added going out to an .m2t file? I shot Canon XLH1 footage in 24f and went out to .m2t through firewire, and no pulldown was added. Did you go out via HDMI? I'm curious as to the reason for this.

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