Michael Jouravlev |
October 11th, 2007 04:55 PM |
Originally Posted by Douglas Spotted Eagle
Originally Posted by Michael Jouravlev
The consumer market is heading towards memory cards, not expensive as P2, but cheap ones. 2GB SecureDigital cards can be bought everywhere, 4GB already exist. When 16GB cards will be widely available for cheap we will forget about tapes, HDDs and miniDVDs. I bet this will happen in no more than two years.
Wasn't this already said?
Originally Posted by Douglas Spotted Eagle
Tape is dying a slow but constant death. CF, SDHD, memstick, HDD...these are all great storage options because of the flexibility they provide.
Not exactly. You predict simply extinction of tape, I am saying that memory cards will rule. If one will be able to buy 16GB card for $10, the cards will be used for long-term storage just like tapes are used now. HDDs? Just as temporary storage in a rack.
Originally Posted by Douglas Spotted Eagle
XDCAM and P2 have very little, if any impact on the consumer world, just as memory stick and SDHD have virtually no impact on the professional world, other than storing small profile or similar information for a pro camcorder.
P2 is a RAID array made of standard SD cards. These may be higher-grade cards, but SD cards nevertheless. With capacity of regular SD cards increasing and prices dropping one might expect that P2 prices would drop too. If not, people will switch to consumer memory cards, as simple as that. P2 is just a PCMCIA card. Developing an SD-to-P2 adapter will be an easy task.