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Jenna Klingensmith March 27th, 2007 06:13 PM

Depth of Field Question
I just started experimenting with my new canon gl2, can anyone give me any advice using the manual controls... I'm trying to get a shot with good depth of field, but when I use manual focus.. it's either blurry or it's not.. I wanted to do one of those shots, where and object upclose is in focus, and then the background comes into focus as the object goes out of focus, but i can't get it to work.. Any advice?

Alan James March 27th, 2007 09:01 PM

On 1/3 inch chip cameras its harder to do this then with 35mm. I can explain why if you want but for now I will just answer your question. Zoom in more and movie your camera back farther. Also watch your Fstop and make sure its as low as you can get it. Again if you want the scientific reason for this I will explain it, just request it.

Have fun.

Graham Bernard March 28th, 2007 02:53 AM


Originally Posted by Alan James (Post 649840)
On 1/3 inch chip

I wish!! Aint we got only 1/4 chipsets?

Actually, Jenna, you got it front to back. It is BAD or rather "short" depth of field you are after. This was something that tripped me up too! So with this short or narrow DoF you can do exactly what Alan says. And yes keep the iris WELL big!! Of course this means, in certain circumstances, that you will overexpose. So, you can either increase the shutter speed - less time for light to impinge on the chip/s thus reducing the overall exposure OR, better yet, use the internal Neutral Density filter. And if that aint dark enough you are starting to get into the realms of additional ND filters etc etc . ..

Can you believe it, there once was a time that Hollywood would break its back to get EVERYTHING in focus, from near to afar? Ho hum . .. how things have changed.

Hope this helps.

- g

Graham Bernard March 28th, 2007 03:15 AM

2 Attachment(s)
. .and as if by magic!

I've attached 2 examples: Far and Near Focus. I've "thrown" the focus while capturing.

It was a very VERY bright day. I could open up the iris completely; I slapped on extra NDs to bring back exposure within limits; I used a polariser to get that real neat saturation without all the OTHER light bouncing about and I think this demonstrates just what this small chip camera can do with "some" extras.

Do I want a bigger chip camera? Ah, yes. . . .

Graham Bernard March 28th, 2007 03:22 AM

hmmm . . can't seem to get the DISTANT focus to load up here . .

Graham Bernard March 28th, 2007 03:36 AM

Well! I have just deleted and then RE-uploaded the distant focus sample. But NOW I can't see the near focus example?

It is as if only one sample can be "seen" as an attachment and thus only THAT one viewed?

I have checked and BOTH samples are uploaded. I can see this from within my "posting" advance DVInfo menu. However, both are stubbornly reluctant to display as attachments - you get either ONE or the OTHER!

Chris! Help!!!

- g

Cole McDonald March 28th, 2007 10:46 AM

I see themn both...pretty pix.

Graham Bernard March 28th, 2007 11:39 AM


Originally Posted by Cole McDonald (Post 650150)
I see themn both...pretty pix.

Thank you Cole. I just hope they demonstrate what you can do with the setup I explained?

As to attachments . .. WOW! - Now THAT is service!! I didn't see them before? What HAS Chris done here? Was that you Chris?

- g

Trond Saetre March 28th, 2007 12:04 PM

Yes, I see both pictures too.
Very nice pictures, Graham!
And they really demonstrate the focus changes.

Alan James March 28th, 2007 09:00 PM

Yes I do believe the GL series has a 1/4 inch sensor. I am used to talking about my XL2 which has a 1/3 inch, but the same idea applies. Actually it will make it even harder to get this type of effect. You could always go out and blow 3000$ (or so) on a mini35 and spend more money on lenses.

Have Fun.

Dale Guthormsen March 30th, 2007 10:30 PM


I got both pictures nicely. Great demonstration of depth of field for anyone who wants to know how to get that look.

I always use both nds and a polizer, I really like the look.

where did you find flowers in bloom like that this time of year??? We still have bits of snow about and threats of snow tonight!!!


Graham Bernard March 31st, 2007 12:16 AM


Originally Posted by Dale Guthormsen (Post 651780)

where did you find flowers in bloom like that this time of year???

Thanks Dale.

Ah! That was in a previous high Summer!! LOL!

The XM2 is a remarkable camera. But sometimes it needs a little assistance - extra NDs and Pola being part of the tool-set extension.

Bob Thieda March 31st, 2007 05:40 AM

Very nice colors! Obviously, I need to work with my camera more...

And get a polarizer!

Bob T.

Cole McDonald March 31st, 2007 12:45 PM

Never, Ever leave home without your polarizer...I even use it indoors quite often to help eliminate glare and richen the blacks of an image.

Travis Cossel April 2nd, 2007 05:01 PM

I never thought of using my polarizer indoors. Don't you need a lot of available light? Probably wouldn't work well for a wedding ceremony, eh?

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