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Andre Viol August 7th, 2003 11:46 PM

I don't know if this has already been posted here or if this is trustable info, but I found this page interesting:


Nigel Moore August 8th, 2003 05:57 AM

A month ago:

Andre Viol August 8th, 2003 08:30 AM

So it was trustable info but old info.

Joshua Badour August 8th, 2003 04:49 PM

Pics from my film
Took a couple pics from my film, A Matrix fan film, and decided to post em up. Anyways, I used the GL2, and I absolutely love it! I am Smith, and I am also the one flipping...


I have one more, just click next on the lower right hand corner. Let me know what you think. This film will be my first GL2 project...

Bo Smith August 8th, 2003 05:35 PM

I'd like to see the movie of it, can you post it somewhere?


Joshua Badour August 8th, 2003 07:54 PM

Oh, the film isn't done.

The animator just wanted to make a poster...

Bruce Edwards August 8th, 2003 08:27 PM

GL2 vs. TRV900
Anybody have any experience with both of these cams? I would like to shoot a couple/few feature indie films. Which would be "better" for this purpose? Thank you.

Imran Zaidi August 8th, 2003 09:32 PM

I have a GL2 and a fellow filmmaker of mine has the trv-900. If cost isn't the issue, I can't see any reason why you'd want a trv-900 over the GL2.

Color and balance settings, low light capability, audio capabilities... all seem way better on the GL2. But of course, the GL2 costs more. But well worth the extra money!

I'm sure someone out there will have issues with these statements. ;)

I will add though, that when handled well, the trv-900 can produce very good footage. There was a music video posted around here somewhere not too long ago, which although was tweaked alot in post, the video did look great. For anyone else that might remember, it was the one with the people doing the nasty in bed while some cute girl sings. I can't find it right now for some reason. The individual who made it said it was playing in taxicabs in New York.

Erwin van Doorne August 9th, 2003 03:09 AM

Damn the dead
Bought my XM2 and I got a dead pixel on the Lcd, nice bright blue one. But that's okay says the manual. And worse, a spot on every photo and in all the footage, sometimes red sometimes white, might even be a cluster of pixels. So that's a dead pixel on the CDD I would say. Anyone have this fixed and how long long did it take?

I live in the Netherlands.


Alex Knappenberger August 9th, 2003 03:25 AM

Eh, welcome to the forum...

Eh, yes it sounds like it's a dead CCD pixel(s)... Call up Canon, they will fix it for free, obviously, since you just got it, but I can't really say how long it will take. It shouldn't be all that long, i'd say 3 weeks at the most...

Your best bet though, is to take (send) it back to the place you bought it and have then exchange it, since you just got it (i'm assuming)...

Frank Granovski August 9th, 2003 04:18 AM

What Alex says. Return it to where you bought it from or contact Canon.

(What's the deal with these dead CCD pixels all the time?)

David Woodland August 11th, 2003 06:10 PM

Will Warranty cover this?
Recently I've been wondering about something. I use my Gl2 to upload all my footage onto my pc even though I don't want to. (I haven't gotten another mini dv cam yet to do it) I have a 3 year MACK warranty I purchased for the camera when I got it. If the heads start to go bad and the motor starts to wear out eventually, will my warranty cover this. As long as I don't screw anything up on the camera. So far everything is working fine and I love the camera. It's just everytime I hit play, rewind, fast forward, etc. I get scared about the day it will fail on me. Any answers would be great!

Ken Tanaka August 11th, 2003 06:15 PM

I don't know the terms of the MACK warranty, so I do not know the answer. But I'm going to guess that you would be covered.

Don Palomaki August 11th, 2003 08:00 PM

Head wear (not to be confused with head breakage) may or may not be covered. Check the fine print and call them to verify. Head replacement is a normal maintenance item for camcorders and VTRs, typically around the 2000 hour point, give or take.

Roland Barth August 12th, 2003 09:14 PM

I'm getting the GL2, now what?
I decided on the GL2. Now I have all the standard questions of someone who has done a lot of digital photgraphy (Canon Pro90), but has not done any DV -- and no video for a long time.
I've browsed through the postings and found bits and pieces of info., but wonder if there is a single site/resource/posting which answers many of the standard questions:
I want to make (non-commercial) nature films to put on DVD, what accessories should I get, besides extra batteries, media, etc? I think I'll need a wide converter and a raincover (KATA?), possibly the DM-50 microphone?
But my big question is about the software. What editing and browsing S/W comes with the GL2? Do you recommend something better for the more serious prosumer? (everybody who got the Pro90 preferred another browser, and most recommended the full Photoshop).
Would appreciate getting pointed in the right direction. I'd like to get most everything I need up front, if possible.
Thanks a bunch.

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