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Max Chau May 27th, 2003 07:35 PM

Thanks a lot, Ken. I was able to get time/date. Now the second....

Cosmin Rotaru May 28th, 2003 05:08 AM

Why should you feel better?!
You did a bad thing! You must suffer! :-)

Any pics of the loose socket on the back the xm2?
Also, could you run some more tests and tell us how much can the xm2 take?

Please don't mind me....

Clint Bortell May 28th, 2003 12:51 PM

You're right, the EZ series will not work. Just for grins I tried my 540EZ on my new GL2 and no luck. Oh well.

Will Fastie May 28th, 2003 09:56 PM

I also use the Sony MDR-7506. When I'm working with them on my wife can yell and I can't hear her. Meantime I'm getting great clarity. They even allowed me to hear the faint zoom motor noise on my GL2 that was giving me a problem before I solved the problem.

Don Palomaki May 29th, 2003 04:45 AM

In the low cost arena, consider the Azden WD-series of VHF wireless mics.

YOu can conenct two wireless receivers to the GL1/2 if you use a "Y" adapter, available ar Radio Shack and other fine audio accessory sources.

Steve Withers May 29th, 2003 03:30 PM

Problem with new GL2 - Handle buttons stopped working?
I've had my GL2 for two days now. Everything is going fine, but now all of a sudden the buttons on the top handle (record, photo, zoom) are not functioning. However the playback controls still work...

Is there a setting that I'm missing that somehow turns off these buttons? I've tried the camera in all modes (easy record, auto, Av, etc) but that doesn't have an effect. The camera has not been dropped or exposed to any conditions that would have this effect on it...

Everything else works perfectly =\
Any ideas?


Ken Tanaka May 29th, 2003 03:40 PM

Hi Steve,
If the Record/Zoom/Photo buttons aren't responding, check the locking latch immediately to the right, and below, the Start/Stop (record) button. You have probably accidentally pushed this latch to its locked position, thus disabling those controls.

Steve Withers May 29th, 2003 03:48 PM

I suppose I should read the manual. hah. Yep, they were locked.


Barry Goyette May 29th, 2003 04:24 PM

Thanks ken....mine stopped working about 6 months ago...and I was just about to send it in before the warranty goes...even though my lock switch was off, I switched it on and then off again and, by jiminy, now my zoom works.


Terrill Armstrong May 29th, 2003 08:57 PM

Dirty camera head
I was recording recently and got a "dirty camera head" message when filming with my GL2. When I got home, the entire tape had this "mosaic" look to it. Is my tape ruined for good or is there some way to reverse it?

I am using Sony DVM 60-PR 60 minute tapes. I had used a Sont cleaning cassette earlier in the week and followed the instructions of running it only for 10 seconds. Should I run the cleaning cassette longer?

Ken Tanaka May 29th, 2003 09:23 PM

Hello Terrill,
I would run that cleaner tape again (per its directions), then try recording on a new tape. If the camera is still laying down bad video, chances are that something else is awry and that Canon Service will need to take care of it.

Frank Granovski May 29th, 2003 11:50 PM

I agree with Ken. Something else may be wrong. However, here's a link about tape (with head cleaning info) and further links about tape.


Rob Lohman May 30th, 2003 06:14 AM

Please continue the thread Ken indicated so that all questions
regarding this issue go into that one thread. With that I am
locking this one.

Rob Lohman May 30th, 2003 06:29 AM

I'm glad your camera still works Miles. But you might want to
consider to get it fixed. Otherwise it might break down at the
least forgiveable moment (your familiair with such laws I assume)

Graham Bernard June 1st, 2003 02:00 AM

Dv In?
Okay, firstly I'm not getting a problem, I'm asking the following as a means to '"clear-up" a question I've been mulling over for sometime now.

When I connect my XM2 to my pc I get a "DV IN" notifacation on the XM2 screen. Okay. There is an option within the Settings to select DV IN or not. If I'm Capturing surley this is DV OUT, and therefore why don't I dissable "DV IN"? My laptop allows for DV control and I can Preview/Cue/Fast F and reverse no problem. Is this the action of connecting to the laptop "forcing" a DV IN notifacation? On the other hand I can understand why the "DV IN" happens when I Print To Tape - this makes sense to me. - As I said all is working fine - I'm just a tad confused - no change there then!

I also get the "TV SCREEN" notifacation. I'm presuming this is because the XM2 having the f/w cable connected to the laptop, the XM2 thinks it is being used on a TV monitor - yes?

I'm really not wanting to continue to use my XM2 as a VCR deck. I'm considering a separate piece of kit - but that is a separate thread.

Thanks in advance,


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