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Tom Hardwick April 9th, 2003 06:24 AM

Anybody know where the half stop goes?
Anybody know where the half stop goes when you switch from movies to stills on the XM2? In the movie mode the lens is an f1.6 to f2.9 but when you switch to stills you loose a good half stop - the maximum (at wide-angle) being only f2. Maybe it's to do with the non-interlaced mode used for stills?

What the specification doesn't tell me is how much wide-angle coverage you have in the stills mode. The Sony TRV950 has a lot more wideangle to memory stick using the whole mega-pixel chip area - is the XM2 the same?


Jeff Price April 9th, 2003 09:33 AM

I use the Sony 1.7x teleconverter on my GL1 for bird photography and like it. It makes the camera front heavy and it can be tricky to get the tripod set right (I may add some weight to the handle to compensate).

If I had to do it again I might try the Century Optics teleconverter instead. It MIGHT be a little sharper. Until I can get an XL1s and an EOS 100-400 lens it seems to be about the best you can do for bird photography.

To keep the lens clean in the field I use something called a Quick Cover made by Saran Wrap to cover bowls of food. It looks like a small shower cap.

Ignacio Artiņano April 9th, 2003 02:08 PM

Thanks Jeff.

I think I'll go to thre Century. Also their Matte box fixes right for the filters.


Stewart McDonald April 10th, 2003 02:38 AM

What do you suggest?
I will be filming a project early next year, and at the moment it's just in it's planning stage. Should I buy a GL2 now, and use the time from now until then to get used to it's features and practice using it. Or should I wait until nearer the time when probably a newer super duper GL3 will be out?


Frank Granovski April 10th, 2003 02:53 AM

Ha! you should wait 'til about 3 months before you're ready to shoot. 3 months is plenty of time to get familar with a new cam. Also, if you wait, well, you just never know.

Nathan Gifford April 10th, 2003 10:51 AM

Frank's advice is very good. You still have another option too. Buy now, and if a new better cam becomes available sell the GL2 then and buy the new cam.


There are lots of things you will need to know unless you have lots of experience with video in general. Also you may find a number of accessories you may want before you start your shoot. Most of those accessories (except maybe lens accessories) will be usable on the new cam.

So this means you might have to eat $500 to maybe $1,000 to upgrade. The experience you gain may well be worth it. Besides, if you discover you need 2 GL2s, you'll be halfway there.

Bud Kuenzli April 10th, 2003 12:15 PM

my thoughts
my thought would be to pick up a used GL1 to play with. you'd miss working with the audio but that's no big deal and then when it's time to sell it you won't lose much since you bought it used in the first place. Sell the GL1 when it's time to upgrade and do that a few months before the actual shooting... or just get a new GL2 now. The only big thing I'd be waiting for was a cheaper 24 frame camera if you really wanted that. Short of that, the GL2 pretty much rocks from my perspective. :)

Joe Salerno April 10th, 2003 08:09 PM

need a mic...
hello all...
little problem, i got the gl2 with the mic adapter (ma-300) but have not bought a mic as of yet... i plan to shoot short films mostly on closed interior sets... which mic would best work for me?
people have mentioned a shotgun boom mic... is that the way to go... also i'm not looking to spend more than $400.00.

is there hope for me?


Ken Tanaka April 10th, 2003 10:04 PM

Hello Joe,
Definitely do a Search on this topic. There's an enormous body of existing, and recent, information on the topic of mics around here.

Nathan Gifford April 11th, 2003 11:13 AM

Yeah, like Ken says do a search on this site. There are piles of info on this subject, and recent stuff too, as it is a frequently discussed topic.

BTW, you will be able to shotgun in the price range you want.

Joe Lloyd April 12th, 2003 03:40 PM

tape loader wiggles a bit?

This is a real minor thing, but it bugs me. Has anyone else noticed then when the cover of the tape loader is closed it has a little bit of play in it? Or maybe I need to get out more.....

Chris Fangio April 12th, 2003 03:47 PM

Hey Joe,

this is by design and can be found on every XM2/Gl2.


Jeff Price April 14th, 2003 10:48 AM

Microphone for nature sounds?
I'm looking to add a microphone to my new GL2 (on its way from Zotz) or maybe my old GL1 (whenever it gets back from Canon). I've looked through many of the archives, read the article from the LA FCP group, talked with birdsong recordists, etc.

I know that the Sennheiser ME66 gets very high marks for this use but is too expensive (don't have time to go the eBay route). I've ruled out the Azden's based on reviews and comments (especially about the high end).

Tom, over at Zotz, recommended a Schriber. Price is ok, range in the high end looks a little clipped (14k). Do any of you have any experience with this microphone. Any other suggestions of a shotgun (preferably a shorter shotgun) at less than $200 for a GL1 or 2?


Mike Lugton April 14th, 2003 02:18 PM

Lapel Mic Feedback
Taped a Wedding at the weekend with my GL2 and put an Azden pro series wireless lapel mic on the groom. Everything went well with vows etc, but all of a sudden I got some major interference (almost like the sound of trying to find a radio station on a dial radio?). I noticed that i did not have the antenna on the receiver attached to the camcorder all the way up, but still got half the ceremony no probelm. I am very new to this game and was wondereing if someone new what may have caused this. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Has anyone else experienced this probelm before? I had my headphones on for initial soundcheck, but took them off during ceremony and just kept an eye on the volume bar in LCD screen.

Rob Easler April 14th, 2003 02:40 PM

This is the nature of wireless technology. There was probably some interference from another source near you that was on or near the same frequency your wireless unit was using. Many people buy a multi frequency wireless system like a samson micro 32 or any # of other brands that alow you to choose a freqency that seems clear and free of interference but you always run the risk of something like this. Has rarely or never happened to me so far but there is a risk and if you have a single frequency wireless unit the risk is much greater.

One other option is to buy a minidisc recorder with a mic input and get rid of the wireless for your situation.

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