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-   -   6D Success with Magic Lantern? (https://www.dvinfo.net/forum/canon-eos-full-frame-hd/516372-6d-success-magic-lantern.html)

Scott Hutchcroft May 7th, 2013 01:39 PM

6D Success with Magic Lantern?
I have seen on Magic Lantern's website that it is possible to put ML on a 6D, but it requires a few more steps than usual. Has anyone successfully installed ML on their 6D? I really need some help on this. Thanks.

Jad Meouchy June 4th, 2013 06:49 PM

Re: 6D Success with Magic Lantern?
Here's a link to a guide I found while looking for the same answer, I think it's okay to post but moderator please tell me if not:
6D - Install guide and raw shooting.

It appears that the 6D is working with ML though I haven't tried these directions yet.

Michael Kraus June 5th, 2013 10:15 PM

Re: 6D Success with Magic Lantern?
I followed the steps in that forum and it works just fine. Quite laborious but it's been fun. Here's a few shots I did at different resolutions:

David Stembridge May 13th, 2014 10:54 AM

Re: 6D Success with Magic Lantern?
I have tried a nightly build, it works; but still isn't as developed as other camera versions yet... My biggest need was headphone monitoring, it appears they have it now listed in features list. I am using it to aid filming, not shooting raw video (yet)

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