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Danny Winn March 3rd, 2011 08:29 AM

5D Footage and Premiere Pro CS4
So I can get my 5D clips to play fine if I drop them into the timeline directly and render them in PP CS4, but they do not play properly when I put them in the preview window to cut in and out points. And this IS at "Draft Quality".

If I can't figure out a way to make this work in the preview window I guess I'll have to convert them like many people do, is "Streamclip" any good for doing this? I love working with my Mpeg2 footage that is captured from my XH A1s but will I lose quality doing it this way?

Very low on cash after buying the 5D and all the accessories mind you. Hehe


My Sytem:
Pentium 4 - 2.75 Dual Core Proccesor
6 GB Ram
Nice Nivida Video Card

John Vincent March 3rd, 2011 02:29 PM

Re: 5D Footage and Premiere Pro CS4
My advice would be to up grade to CS5 pronto - so much better. For one, there's a pre-set that "sees" the Canon DSLRs. It allows you to edit without rendering (which you have to do in 3 or 4).

Bottom line is that it's totally worth the cost of upgrade.

Danny Winn March 3rd, 2011 06:34 PM

Re: 5D Footage and Premiere Pro CS4
Well yeah, I would love to get CS5, but as I said, right now I just need something that will convert my clips to a more forgiving codec for CS4 until I can aquire CS5.

It would really be cool if I could get some opinions on Streamclip. Is it any good for this?


John Vincent March 4th, 2011 03:54 PM

Re: 5D Footage and Premiere Pro CS4
Gotsya - I used cineform before CS5 - clumsy, but it worked. Sorry, but no experience with slipstream....

Jose Barbosa March 31st, 2011 03:15 PM

Re: 5D Footage and Premiere Pro CS4
I've made a 26min doc with this method and it work's very well

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