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Kalulu Ngilo May 3rd, 2010 06:06 AM

30fps footage, twixtor, after effects, and time.
Hello everyone,

I have a strange dilemma if you may call it. I shot a series of clips at 30fps, 1/160, ISO at 400-640. Now I know or came to realize at exactly 4am that I forgot to speed up the shutter for slow motion.
Here is where it gets weird, all those clips combined have a running time of 5mins:28:20. The clips were combined to a single neoscene avi file. I throw the clip in After Effects, I twix'd, by the end I have about 14x2 key-frames, reason why I say X2 is because there are 14 sets. A start point(20% speed) and finish(100%), 14 times, so altogether its 28 key-frames.

I hope I haven't lost anyone yet.

I open premiere, I line up all clips and at 4:52:22 the shot is different to when I compare it to after effects' time. If I disable the plugin by clicking the FX toggle then the shots match up(look the same).

I realize this has to do with me slowing down the footage too much... something to do with frame interpolation. I have my Frame Interp. @ Blend.

I'm I stretching this too far? How can I fix this that when I slow a point of the clip down it just extends the frames(clip) past 5:28:20? Is the trick or magic to slow motion in the shutter only?

I know in premiere when you slow down a clip it gets longer in the timeline but this is a single clip in after effects using twixtor. Anyone have any ideas? Please do let me know if I didn't get my point through.


Ray Bell May 3rd, 2010 07:36 PM

Its been awhile for me and twixtor... but I think I remember that Premier handles the files differently than
AE... I think you have to create a fake timeline (pad the sequence) in Premier so it can stretch the file time.....

They used to have a tuorial on it but I think its gone... here's the forum in case you need to ask them...

Twixtor 4.5, Premiere Pro CS4 - Lengthening Sequence : RE:Vision Effects

just found the article...


Kalulu Ngilo May 4th, 2010 01:22 AM

Thanks for the tips, unfortunately, I have twixtor for after effects only. Is there a tutorial anywhere for AE instead?

Mitja Popovski May 4th, 2010 04:45 PM

you probably need this

RE:Vision Effects, Inc. : Support: FAQs

Kalulu Ngilo May 4th, 2010 08:01 PM

Thanks! It seems to be working but man, the footage has just gone from 5mins to longer! wow, I guess that's what happens when you mess with time.

Thank you Mitja.

Mitja Popovski May 6th, 2010 04:12 PM

maybe now you will live longer

Kalulu Ngilo May 7th, 2010 11:09 PM

Here is the final product. Just a test since we were there strictly for photography.


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