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Salvador Garza July 12th, 2009 09:35 PM

Juddering/Freeze Frame

Has anyone else had the camera freeze a couple of frames specially when panning? (not strobing) After some testing I've determined it is unrelated to IS or CF card. It has messed a whole day's work for me.

Christian Ionescu July 13th, 2009 12:59 AM

Have you tried to turn IS off?

Nigel Barker July 13th, 2009 01:56 AM

Are you using manual controls with the new firmware. This problem has been described with the original firmware in auto setting when the aperture changes with changing light levels.

James Miller July 13th, 2009 02:00 AM

Hi Salvador,
Are talking about the recorded movie not just the preview whilst recording. As the preview image will look like it's juddering but playback, frame by frame will be fine. This is normal and you normally only notice on pans.

If it is the recorded movie make sure you are using fast enough CF Cards* and you are in full manual**.
*Slow cards will have to buffer the data written to the card, evident by the symbol displayed on screen. **Aperture changes on auto mode can cause a frame drop.

Salvador Garza July 13th, 2009 06:43 AM

Thanks everyone!

I've 1.1.0 firmware, using the camera in Manual mode. This happens with IS off, or with lenses that do not have IS. I'm using Extreme III cards (30MB/sec) so that shouldn't be an issue. The frame sticking or juddering is noticeable even without a card. It is most noticeable when panning, even at slow speeds.

The frame sticking can be seen in the recordings. I'll post some footage later tonight.

I've tried everything from clearing the camera's settings, reloading the firmware, testing several shutter speeds/ISO combinations. Even toggling on/off several unrelated menu items to see if they have any impact on the problem, but it still persists. It also happens when using an external monitor.

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