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Bruce G. Cleveland February 10th, 2009 05:08 PM

Nikon Lens Question
Ok I have an adapter and a Nikon lens with the aperture ring. All works well, but the camera still wants to make adjustments when I move the camera around. Like pointing towards a window and the picture goes dark. Is the camera adjusting something other than aperture? What am I missing? I feel there is something obvious going on here that needs to be set up. Please help.

Bruce Cleveland

Jon Fairhurst February 10th, 2009 06:00 PM

Hi Bruce,

The key is to press the AE Lock button. It will lock your exposure.

I recommend this (from memory - I hope I haven't left anything off)

* Use the Video + Stills mode (under the Live View menu)
* Enter Live View
* Press the shutter button part way. You want to see the exposure compensation (-2..|..+2) adjustment on the screen. Press "Info" a few times, if needed.
* Dial the wheel so that exposure compensation is at -2.
* Shine the camera at a light, as soon as it gets to 1/40 shutter, press AE lock.
* Point the camera at your subject and increase the exposure compensation at needed. The ISO (gain) should increase, and the shutter speed should stay the same.
* Start recording!

You'll need to do most of this for every single take. Hopefully, Canon will upgrade the firmware to allow a better user experience.

Bruce G. Cleveland February 10th, 2009 06:46 PM


Originally Posted by Jon Fairhurst (Post 1009952)
Hi Bruce,

The key is to press the AE Lock button. It will lock your exposure.

I recommend this (from memory - I hope I haven't left anything off)

* Use the Video + Stills mode (under the Live View menu)
* Enter Live View
* Press the shutter button part way. You want to see the exposure compensation (-2..|..+2) adjustment on the screen. Press "Info" a few times, if needed.
* Dial the wheel so that exposure compensation is at -2.
* Shine the camera at a light, as soon as it gets to 1/40 shutter, press AE lock.
* Point the camera at your subject and increase the exposure compensation at needed. The ISO (gain) should increase, and the shutter speed should stay the same.
* Start recording!

You'll need to do most of this for every single take. Hopefully, Canon will upgrade the firmware to allow a better user experience.

But I did not think I needed to do all of this with a Nikon lens on the camera. The settings you suggest are pretty much what I use for the canon lenses.

Thanks for the imput.


Jon Fairhurst February 10th, 2009 07:12 PM


Originally Posted by Bruce G. Cleveland (Post 1009975)
But I did not think I needed to do all of this with a Nikon lens on the camera.

The only difference with a Nikon lens is that you can set it to any aperture, independent of all other settings. We still need to jump through these hoops - over and over and over again...

Bruce G. Cleveland February 10th, 2009 07:26 PM


Originally Posted by Jon Fairhurst (Post 1009983)
The only difference with a Nikon lens is that you can set it to any aperture, independent of all other settings. We still need to jump through these hoops - over and over and over again...

Ok got it. Thanks for clearing it up. Just wanted to make sure I wasn't missing anything.


Ryan Koo February 17th, 2009 12:09 AM

So as soon as you stop recording, everything resets? Or can you start/stop with all of it locked, only needing to go through all those steps again if you want to CHANGE one of the settings?

Bruce G. Cleveland February 17th, 2009 07:33 AM


Originally Posted by Ryan Koo (Post 1013312)
So as soon as you stop recording, everything resets? Or can you start/stop with all of it locked, only needing to go through all those steps again if you want to CHANGE one of the settings?

Nope everytime you stop recording and start you have to do it all over again. But it is much easier with the nikon lenses.


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