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Mark Moreve February 3rd, 2009 06:52 AM

lighting matters
I wanted to shoot a lit interview with my 5d2 so my mate said he would participate. He is also a cameraman as you will see and was interested to see the results. I'd love your feedback. Already going to apologise for the editing though as I used iMovie which I really don't like. Anyway enough excuses. Here's the link
Lighting matters on Vimeo
All the best

Matthew Roddy February 3rd, 2009 11:44 AM

The picture quality was, of course, great!
The audio was driving me a bit nuts with the creeping hiss, but hey, that's our 5D2.
I look forward to seeing the site. A refresher course is always welcome, plus, it sounds like I'll find new stuff there as well.

Best of luck on the new site endeavor.

Jon Fairhurst February 3rd, 2009 11:58 AM

Hi Mark,

Sound matters too. Were you aware that the dialog is only on the left channel? Also, this should really be in HD, if possible.

That said, the lighting setups shown are truly impressive.

Greg Joyce February 3rd, 2009 12:03 PM


Looks great! If I were in England, I'd be tempted to sign up for a course. Would be curious to learn the lighting setup you used.

Echoing Jon, the audio in the right channel was nil.

BTW, what's the jazz number playing at the end? It's excellent.

Mark Moreve February 3rd, 2009 01:51 PM

lighting Matters
Thanks for your comments. The sound was recorded direct onto the 5d2 using a Sony ECM77. I plugged it through a SQN mixer so that I could set the levels properly but because the 5d2 uses its Auto gain Control you get that hiss ( I assume). I don't think that I can do anything about it in iMovie likewise with the situation that it's only on the left hand channel as it's recorded in mono on the camera it seems to only go down on one track in iMovie . I guess if I had Final cut pro I could have put the sound on both tracks and also probably done something about the hiss. The Jazz track is one of the sample tracks from Garageband called "Buddy" & finally I have been trying to upgrade it to HD on Vimeo but it hasn't done it. Any Tips? Thanks once again for your comments.
All the best

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