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-   -   7d hdmi only 480p ??!! (https://www.dvinfo.net/forum/canon-eos-crop-sensor-hd/511930-7d-hdmi-only-480p.html)

Alan Lilly November 7th, 2012 01:41 AM

7d hdmi only 480p ??!!
I know the 7d is capable of outputing 1080i through the mini hdmi connector even during recording... but I can't get anything but 480p to appear on 2 different monitors (23" LED computer monitor with hdmi input - hp2311x and my 50" panasonic plasma TV with hdmi input)

I can't find the right configuration settings for my canon 7d to ensure 1080i hdmi output.

Please help, this is very frustrating!

Alan Lilly November 7th, 2012 09:56 PM

Re: 7d hdmi only 480p ??!!
Ok... figured something out. I had a hdmi power splitter in between my 50" plasma and the 7d. Once I removed that... the 1080i signal appeared.

The HP2311x must not like a 1080i signal. I will test another high speed hdmi cable to be sure later.

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