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Jon Salimes January 11th, 2011 12:01 PM

Exporting 640x480 7D Footage
I recently shot video in the Canon 7D's 640x480 mode. I took that footage, converted to AppleProRes and edited it in Final Cut. The final video runs at about 94 minutes.

When I try to export from Final Cut (Quicktime Export/Current Settings) I either get a General Error or a File I/O Error. I tried sending the sequence to Compressor and exporting it there (Apple ProRes) and I get a 94min video file that's just a black screen with about a second of audio that loops itself for the entirety of it.

Any ideas?

Chris Westerstrom January 11th, 2011 01:41 PM

might be a couple of things going on

- this might be overly simple, but did you by any chance lock your V track?

check your sequence setting too, they might not be what you are trying to export

otherwise, use quicktime conversion and put it back to something like H.264 for export.

I am not the codec expert but Prores seems to primarliy be an editing codec whereas H.264 is a playback codec

Jon Salimes January 11th, 2011 02:00 PM

I'm attempting an H.264 export right now. Probably gonna take a day so I didn't want to try that until last.

Any idea if the length of the video at 94mins (aside from any codec/frame issues) might be the problem? I've never tried exporting anything longer than 10 or 15 minutes.

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