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John Kopec December 13th, 2010 04:31 PM

Longest Focal Length for Flying
Hey guys, I'm just wondering what you all would recommend the longest focal length for flying with a glidecam would be? (I'm using the 2000HD)
I'm asking because I'm purchasing the Sigma 30mm on friday, and would like to know how it flies.
Has anyone had experience with doing this?

Ken Diewert December 13th, 2010 05:09 PM


I have a 5d with the GC 2000, so it is a little different for your 7d, but you will be equivalent to about 48mm which I think will be pushing it with the GC. You can do it, but the GC does take practice, and the wider, the smoother. I use the 17-40 f4L all the time with the GC and the 5d. I have used my 50mm f1.4 but it depends on what i'm shooting, and where i'm walking while shooting.

It would be good if you could try the lens and return it for something wider if you're not happy with the results.

Bill Pryor December 15th, 2010 01:21 PM

I use either the 24mm or the 35mm for the 5D with a Steadicam. That would be equivalent to about a 16mm and 22mm on the 7D. For me that Sigma probably wouldn't be wide enough. But you really don't know till you try it. The wider the lens, the easier it is.

Greg Fiske December 16th, 2010 12:06 PM

And with these camera's barely resolving 720, you can crop your frame down from 1080p and zoom into your wide angle shot without any loss in IQ.

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