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-   -   Has anyone tried this loupe? (https://www.dvinfo.net/forum/canon-eos-crop-sensor-hd/487585-has-anyone-tried-loupe.html)

Michael Herrick November 16th, 2010 04:30 PM

Has anyone tried this loupe?
I was right about to purchase the lcdvf 3/2 from b&h when i stumbled upon this
Digi Finder Pro | Jag35.com and I found a review stating that it was pretty good for the price, and now they have an added eye cup for sale also on jag35 that will fit this for an extra 25 bucks that will make it very similar to the other loupes available. My question is, has anyone tried this?? both peices together with shipping in tax comes out to $105 and the lcdvf 3/2 is only 160 on b&h with free shipping, not its not a huge savings in money, but if someone on this forum can vouch for it, then i might go for the cheaper option.

Rusty Rogers November 16th, 2010 05:07 PM

From the looks of it I'd say it should work, but barely...
The secondary virtue of a viewfinder magnifier is the stability from the third point of contact.
If it collapses in on itself it's sure to wind up on the shelf.
They're a reputable company, but check the return policy on this one!

Michael Herrick November 16th, 2010 05:35 PM

i was reading up on this, and it seems like they said it can lock in place so it doesn't fold while your using it, but i am still kind of weary

Tara Graves November 16th, 2010 06:17 PM

Hi. I have one of these and I like it. It's very lightweight, so it might not hold up to harsh treatment. I tried an lcdvf 3/2 and the hoodman before settling on the digifinder for my 550d. My eyes aren't great so the fact that this cheapy has diopter adjustment is a bonus. Also no magnets, just a light plastic frame to snap the loupe into. The optics are pretty good too, way better than the hoodman was. I haven't got the digiviewer eyepiece yet and not sure if I will as apparently, depending on how radical your diopter adjustment, there could be a small amount of lcd crop. Nino Leitner has a great review of it that you can check out here: DigiFinder.pro Viewfinder for DSLRs – Review | Nino Film - Blog - Nino Leitner

Michael Herrick November 16th, 2010 07:01 PM

so how do you like the magnification? i heard that having 2.75 magnification might be too much? would you recommend it over the lcdvf for someone who does not need diopter adjustment?

Tara Graves November 17th, 2010 12:23 AM

I have no issues with the magnification, whatever amount that happens to be for the digifinder. My lcdvf was solid-built but I couldn't use it for lack of diopter adjustment. I just went with the digifinder and it's working well for me, so I have since stopped sampling viewfinders. But I could see how some shooters might just hate it for being so lightweight. There are also a number of cheapy no-name viewfinders available on ebay but I couldn't vouch for any of them. However, compulsive shopper Emm over at cheesycam.com has reviewed just about every viewfinder out there save the digifinder, so you may want to check out his site and don't blame me if you start buying way more stuff than you really need!

Michael Herrick November 17th, 2010 02:06 PM

i went ahead and bought it this morning, and the extra eyepiece, so ill tell you guys how i like it in a few days

Stelios Christofides November 18th, 2010 12:38 AM

The price is right for this sort of thing compared to some expensive units. Let us have your commends Robert when you get it.


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