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James Bishop November 12th, 2010 07:46 AM

Video Camera to use alongside a T2i
I'm planning on buying a t2i for wedding videos, but would also like to buy a video camera (for under £1200), to use along side it.

Does anyone know which camcorders produce a picture that will best match the footage from the t2i?

Thanks :)

Rick Presas November 23rd, 2010 08:34 AM

at that price range, I'd say Canons VIXIA series is your best bet. I have a 7D that I pair with an HF S200 with the wide angle adapter and the footage matches up pretty well (except for DoF). If you want to use it for pro work, put a matte box on it and it will look pretty professional.

James Strange November 24th, 2010 09:06 PM

Im also considering getting a vid cam to use as an unmanned wide cam to go along with my 7d + 550d

Anyone have any samples online of a similar setup?


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