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Kevin Martorana April 18th, 2010 09:05 PM

Recording external sync sound..ideas ?
So unless I'm wrong...until Magic Lantern comes out with their "flash" firmware for the 7d...
you can't record audio on the 7d WITHOUT auto gain... Correct ?

2. I would think you can take an audio source and convert the xlr to a stereo mini plug...and get audio...correct ?

3. Is it possible to us a non-time code dat recorder to do 23.976, and 24, and 30. I have a "retired" Sony TCD-D8 dat recorder. It does 48k recording. But no timecode.

4. What would be a good external recorder (nicely priced) that would do timecode...and make syncing in post easy ?


Chad Nickle April 18th, 2010 09:10 PM

This has been discussed many, many times. You need something like the Zoom h4n (Most popular) and sync in post with pluraleyes. Forget time code imo.

Kevin Martorana April 18th, 2010 09:11 PM

Thanks for the quick reply...

sorry if i'm already bring up a thread....did a search but must not have searched the right key words.


Also..Pluraleyes does not work for Avid....

Jon Fairhurst April 18th, 2010 10:13 PM

You can also use an auto-gain killer. Beachtek was the first to release such a product, but it had no external gain. They have a new product with an active preamp, but I haven't tested it. People were also hooking up iPods with AGC killing signals with mixed results.

A few months ago, juicedLink released their DN101 add-on for their preamps that works well. Then last week, they released the DT454 that really has it all: tons of clean gain, two AGC killer modes, meters, headphone amps, and both XLR and 1/8" inputs. With the 5D2 in Auto mode, it's almost as clean as an mid-priced external recorder, like the Tascam DR-100. With the 5D2 in Manual mode, it's roughly as clean as the Tascam. With the 5D2 gain turned all the way down with Magic Lantern, the noise level is below the 16-bit threshold.

If you own a camera with AGC only, the DT454 is a viable alternative to external recording. It really depends on your preferred workflow. With the 5D2 and Magic Lantern, it's even cleaner than the mid-priced recorders.

Corey Benoit April 20th, 2010 12:50 AM

i have the zoom h4n, sync is easy...^ as stated above zoom h4n sounds great.....

EDIT: i run a recording studio and i am a sound engineer...the zooms ability with a very expensive mic like audio technica 4053b($700) or the sennheiser mkh50 ($1400) is absolutely marvelous...

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