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-   -   LCDVF shipping to Canada? (https://www.dvinfo.net/forum/canon-eos-crop-sensor-hd/476440-lcdvf-shipping-canada.html)

Glen Chua April 8th, 2010 01:58 AM

LCDVF shipping to Canada?
Hey guys,

I was interested in purchasing the LCDVF online, but wasn't too sure where I could find it. I live in Canada, so would need it to be shipped here, but I wasn't too sure if those sites on the LCDVF website shipped here or not. Also, is it even in stock? Is there a local place in BC where I could order it? Thanks guys! It's great to be back on this forum after being away for so long!

Jon Braeley April 8th, 2010 08:13 AM

This is the USA supplier, so I would direct your question to them. They are very reputable and well known.
Jag35.com - LCDVF Viewfinder for your DSLR

This is the manufacturer link (Europe), who can give you Canada Suppliers.

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