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Corey Benoit April 5th, 2010 02:56 PM

Canon 7D *Official* DSLR Rigs & Discussion ~Post Your Pics/Learn To Build It~
Welcome guys, figured it hasnt been done so here we go, just a nice thread for pics and to learn the parts to building a DSLR rig for the 7D and to "Showoff" Rigs!!

post away guys!

Here is the rig so far, i ordered mostly cavision parts (great quality) and needed a dslr reversed support raiser, none were in...i got the "dv riser" reversed it myself...very easy to do...

i am also getting a local machine shop to replicate the riser from cavision (just the little "L" bracket) and make it an extra inch higher so that i can have more room to move...

heres some pics! still have the mattebox coming, accessory box, tascam dr-100, and maybe another lense here and there...

heres the pics!



















Tony Davies-Patrick April 5th, 2010 03:12 PM

Nice to see the rig... But way too many pics to scroll through, especially via my iphone. We don't need to see image after image of the lens and camera. Just a couple of rig pics would suffice.

Nate Haustein April 5th, 2010 06:31 PM

5 Attachment(s)
Said I'd join this board so here goes.

So, here's what I've been up to in the pictures:

-7D body w/ 70-200mm Sigma
-Zacuto Z-Finder
-Rode NTG-3 Mic hooked into Zoom H4n via XLR
-Headphone splitter to feed audio from Zoom to headphones and into the camera for reference audio (still need to figure out how to get this working ALL the time)
-And my favorite, Genus GMB/A rod system w/ cinevate universal rod mount for the Zoom (+$2.60 in Ace Hardware trinkets)

I actually put the rod system on backwards, so instead of supporting the lens, it acts as a mount for the Zoom and other equipment. I've also found that if I mount the camera slightly off-axis to the Genus plate, I'm able to use the rods as a shoulder mount while still being able to see through the Z-Finder. I have 4 points of contact that way: hand on lens, hand on body, Z-Finder on eye and rods on shoulder (just like Zacuto says we should do it!). It works rather well in my opinion, as it gets rid of the jitters apparent in non-IS lenses. And, if I stop my heart for a few seconds I can actually get some steady shots with the 200mm zoom :)

Tripod is a bit weak for this setup: it's a stand-in as my proper one is in the car. I've yet to try the mounted blimp...

Mike Peterson April 5th, 2010 07:10 PM

2 Attachment(s)
This is my simple DIY steady bar which I'm finding I'm leaving on all the time. Aslo a DIY loupe.

Corey Benoit April 5th, 2010 09:54 PM

lookin good boys!!

also on the discussion end...the "LCDVF" magnetic viewfinder is great....i used double sided 3m grey tape and use a very sharp knife to make it exact like it came, took off the coating and used that, much stronger... goes on and off...

also for those who are going cavision, its a great setup!

Corey Benoit April 5th, 2010 10:17 PM


Originally Posted by Nate Haustein (Post 1510266)
Said I'd join this board so here goes.

So, here's what I've been up to in the pictures:

-7D body w/ 70-200mm Sigma
-Zacuto Z-Finder
-Rode NTG-3 Mic hooked into Zoom H4n via XLR
-Headphone splitter to feed audio from Zoom to headphones and into the camera for reference audio (still need to figure out how to get this working ALL the time)
-And my favorite, Genus GMB/A rod system w/ cinevate universal rod mount

I actually put the rod system on backwards, so instead of supporting the lens, it acts as a mount for the Zoom and other equipment. I've also found that if I mount the camera slightly off-axis to the Genus plate, I'm able to use the rods as a shoulder mount while still being able to see through the Z-Finder. I have 4 points of contact that way: hand on lens, hand on body, Z-Finder on eye and rods on shoulder (just like Zacuto says we should do it!). It works rather well in my opinion, as it gets rid of the jitters apparent in non-IS lenses. And, if I stop my heart for a few seconds I can actually get some steady shots with the 200mm zoom :)

Tripod is a bit weak for this setup: it's a stand-in as my proper one is in the car. I've yet to try the mounted blimp...

i am so digging that lense!!!

Erik Rangel April 6th, 2010 07:49 AM

3 Attachment(s)
Cool thread!
I guess there are as many ways to build your rig as there are people to build them.
Here's mine. It's DIY and a lot of tweaking and refining to get it to this point. Made mostly out of aluminum with some stainless steel bits.
The Viewfinder is DIY as well. It's part aluminum and acrylic.
The whole thing sits on my shoulder hands free.

Jonanthan Carr April 6th, 2010 09:16 AM

My rig

Corey Benoit April 6th, 2010 09:18 AM

lookin good boys!

Chris Barcellos April 6th, 2010 09:25 AM

Here's one I posted a while back, though there have been a few changes with the advent of Magic Lantern.

Michael DiFilippo April 6th, 2010 12:31 PM


Originally Posted by Jonanthan Carr (Post 1510515)

what setup is this? I love the sleek look of that matte box

Corey Sullivan April 6th, 2010 12:40 PM


Originally Posted by Erik Rangel (Post 1510492)
Cool thread!
I guess there are as many ways to build your rig as there are people to build them.
Here's mine. It's DIY and a lot of tweaking and refining to get it to this point. Made mostly out of aluminum with some stainless steel bits.
The Viewfinder is DIY as well. It's part aluminum and acrylic.
The whole thing sits on my shoulder hands free.

This rig is really cool. Very creative! Good job!


CLAi - RED San Francisco

Kurt Zhuang April 6th, 2010 01:36 PM


Originally Posted by Jonanthan Carr (Post 1510515)


I love the look of this rig

Erik Rangel April 6th, 2010 02:23 PM


Originally Posted by Corey Sullivan (Post 1510612)
This rig is really cool. Very creative! Good job!

Thanks Corey. It's like a big aluminum leggo set. There are plenty more ways to configure it. Maybe I'll mess around with it later today.

Keep posting pics guys:)

Noah Yuan-Vogel April 6th, 2010 02:30 PM

Looks comfortable but don't those front and back brackets limit range of motion a lot? How's packing it up for transport?

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