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Erik Rangel April 6th, 2010 04:24 PM

2 Attachment(s)
It fits like a glove. Fully adjustable for whoever's operating.
I was seeing how compact I could get it without just having a bag full of parts and this is what I came up with real quick.
Compact mode.
oh yeah and...Transformer mode:)

Nate Haustein April 6th, 2010 05:41 PM

So amazing. Love the "grim reaper scythe" carry handle in your first configuration too, Erik. Very cool DIY rig.

Corey Benoit April 6th, 2010 07:10 PM

looks really good!

Chuck Spaulding April 7th, 2010 12:50 AM

1 Attachment(s)

Steve Witt April 7th, 2010 11:16 AM

3 Attachment(s)
Here's mine. The 7D is mounted with a Manfrotto 394 Quick Release plate onto the older style Cinevate adjustable height mount with carbon fiber rails. Also present is the older style Cinevate Matte box (height adjustable), and a Rode Video Mic. Yes, that is a heavy duty cable zip tie that you see around the lens used as a focus lever (don't knock it til you try it). When changing lenses, I can either loosen and slide the mattebox foward or slide the cam back. No need to talk about rebalancing with a tiny rig like this.

What would I like to add soon:
-Cinevate Durus follow focus
-Zacuto Z-Finder Pro 2.5x

David Pryke April 7th, 2010 06:09 PM


Originally Posted by Chuck Spaulding (Post 1510902)

Who makes this setup...

Chuck Spaulding April 8th, 2010 01:41 AM

Here's the info:

The shoulder mount is from Shape and there are several models to choose from:
Shape WLB - Camera supports

I have the Spider II, which has an adjustable camera platform. This is important for me because I also use this support with the EX1. If you don't need that then you save even more.

The LCD viewfinder is here:
LCD Viewfinder System for Sony HDR-TG1

The swing away support for the viewfinder is here:
LCD Viewfinder Plate Connection Piece with Swing Away Function

The Rod Support and Quick Release is here:
Cavision Rods Support System for Mini-DV with Quick Release - Reversed Version

The Matte Box is here:
PROAIM? Sunshade matte box For Wide angle lens dv cams - eBay (item 350329031637 end time Apr-14-10 21:07:16 PDT)
OK, this one requires a little explanation. I got this off of eBay, its a knockoff from India and it was so cheap, $240 that I thought I would take a chance on it. Out of everything that I ordered, it arrived first, the build quality is surprisingly good and it bolted up to everything else perfectly.

Onar Stangeland April 8th, 2010 02:33 PM

Take a look at this one....
This is probably the best I've seen so far.


Jonanthan Carr April 8th, 2010 03:03 PM


Originally Posted by Michael DiFilippo (Post 1510608)
what setup is this? I love the sleek look of that matte box

It's my own setup, the matte box is a Genus matte box.

Jonanthan Carr April 8th, 2010 03:05 PM


Originally Posted by Kurt Zhuang (Post 1510639)

I love the look of this rig

the only other picture I can find on my computer is this extra picture I email people who I rent my camera to.


Ted Ramasola April 11th, 2010 12:03 PM

1 Attachment(s)
I mostly made everything.

Kurt Zhuang April 11th, 2010 01:42 PM


Originally Posted by Ted Ramasola (Post 1512865)
I mostly made everything.

hey ted thats looking great!

Soon ill be posting my setup; my friend and I have access to a milling machine, and we are designing a matte box, rails, cage, risers, etc. all in CAD. Should be able to have a prototype in a month maybe sooner

heres a screenshot of the cad mattebox



Thomas L. Phillips April 17th, 2010 07:35 PM

My New Rig
I just joined here as I am new to the DSLR world of filmmaking. I have spent the last decade making my living working with film and HD cameras, and all I can say is, I am loving it.

Here are some pics of the new rig, it is almost complete, just waiting on my Follow Focus to arrive, as well as my 1.5ft mini hdmi cable.

Just thought I would share.

The Rig is the UlTRAcompact from Indiesystem, in case anyone was wondering, and it is a great piece of equipment for a great price.



Cam McKinlay April 18th, 2010 10:59 PM

I was debating getting the ultracompact or the bigger one. why did you choose the ultracompact? where is the matte box from? nice looking rig by the way!

Thomas L. Phillips April 19th, 2010 08:57 AM

Me Too

Originally Posted by Cam McKinlay (Post 1516181)
I was debating getting the ultracompact or the bigger one. why did you choose the ultracompact? where is the matte box from? nice looking rig by the way!

I was actually debating which one to get as well. For me, it was the size. I spoke with Tim on the phone and actually ordered it before the updates to the website were up online. I also talked to another guy who had one to test out before they were for sale, and he enjoyed it.

I love that it is compact and versatile. it is easy to put on the tri pod and take off, and that is a bonus for me, plus I prefer the smaller handles, as opposed to the one on the bigger model. It is the perfect weight with my accessories. Heavy enough to use the DSLR and make it less shaky, but not too much weight.

The mattebox is actually from one of those indian websites, I read negative and positive stuff, but man, I like it, especially for the money. I have no problem suggesting it.

Here is the link to the mattebox:

Matte box - V-11 Mattebox with French Flag & Front Adjuster (Without Rod Support); mattebox

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