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-   -   7D Plugin for final cut has been released (https://www.dvinfo.net/forum/canon-eos-crop-sensor-hd/475159-7d-plugin-final-cut-has-been-released.html)

David Chapman March 20th, 2010 05:12 PM

I rented out my 7D yesterday so I wasn't able to play with the plugin, but I was excited to see it released before my birthday. I got my camera back today, but my only Intel machine (macbook pro) died today and Apple needs it for a week.

Happy birthday indeed.

Kelly Langerak March 21st, 2010 10:42 AM

I get the same unsupported error. I took the images from the compact flash card and copied everything over to a 32gig usb stick and then dropped them onto my hard drive. I have the mov file with the .THM file beside it. What am I doing wrong?

Final Cut 7.0.1
Snow 10.6.2

Declan Smith March 21st, 2010 05:12 PM

1 Attachment(s)
Make sure the directory structure mirrors the Canon 7D card. I seem to have problems when it doesn't.

i.e. when you copy them over to another disk, make sure it's like:

Chuck Spaulding March 22nd, 2010 09:52 AM

I'm sorry did I miss this? Does this plugin work with OSX 10.5.7 (Leopard)?

Alan Halfhill March 22nd, 2010 11:29 AM

Works on my system fine. About real time transfer. Still much faster transfers with Quicktime player. (It will put multiples in multiple cores.)

I really like the you can turn off channel two. I put has noise into it to defeat the AGC with a Juicedlink Jl-DN101 Adapter. Much better audio.

Colin Lahana August 10th, 2010 08:39 PM

5D movies into Aperture

I have just returned from a 6 week trip to Canada and Alaska and shot quite a few video clips as well as 3,000+ stills on my 5D MarkII. Unfortunately I managed to drop it along with a few lenses into the sea (in a so called waterproof bag) and destroyed them. Bummer. Just waiting for insurance on them now.

Anyhow during our trip I imported all the stills and movies into Aperture3 on a daily basis and have like other postees, lost the THM files, directory struture etc.

Does anyone know whether the movie clips lose any quality (ie compression) going into Aperture. I have just dragged the mov files straight into FCP and they play OK in the timeline at least.


Johannes Soetandi August 11th, 2010 12:02 AM


No I dont think you will lose quality. I've edited some videos that I imported via Aperture and still looks perfectly fine..

Chuck Spaulding August 12th, 2010 10:19 AM

You can compare the quality by importing them using MPEG StreamClip. If you crank the quality to 100 it was as good if not better than the Canon plugin.

And best of all its free. Squared 5 - MPEG Streamclip video converter for Mac OS X

Declan Smith August 13th, 2010 02:14 PM


Originally Posted by Colin Lahana (Post 1557813)

Does anyone know whether the movie clips lose any quality (ie compression) going into Aperture.


The clips will be imported (copied) verbatim from the CF card into apertures library with no loss of quality. You are best advised to transcode the clips from H.264 into an editing codec (like Prores 422 LT) before editing them in FCP.

You obviously need to take care with settings when transcoding to ensure the highest possible quality. You can use compressor or Mpeg Streamclip to accomplish this. If however you want to re-construct, as it were, your CF cards and use the EOS plugin, then you will need to to ensure that you store the files in a nested tree with the folder DCIM/xxxxxxx where xxxxxxx is the folder name, like 100EOS7D. You will also need a THM file for each clip. As you don't have these, then you can copy any valid THM but remember to match up the filename. i.e. if your MOV is call MVI_1234.MOV then your must have a matching THM called MVI_1234.THM. Although the meta information and the thumbnail will be wrong it should be sufficient for the EOS plugin to recognise it.

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