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Carlo Zanella March 17th, 2010 07:35 PM

8 Attachment(s)
This is the rig we use when filming the The Santa Fe TV Show (when we don't use our EX1s).
Despite all the stuff hooked up to it, it's still farely light and comfortable.
It also goes from shoulder mount to regular tripod setup in less than a minute.


Carlo Zanella
The Santa Fe TV Show

Bryan McCullough March 17th, 2010 09:54 PM

Very nice.

Chris Soucy March 17th, 2010 11:51 PM

Hey, Carlo............
You might want to list all that stuff (and prices thereof) you've bolted on, for the edification of the other users here, I'm sure they'd find it instructive.

Very impressive rig for a DSLR, BTW.


Carlo Zanella March 18th, 2010 08:35 AM

7D Rig pricing and parts
"Hey, Carlo............


You might want to list all that stuff (and prices thereof) you've bolted on, for the edification of the other users here, I'm sure they'd find it instructive.

Very impressive rig for a DSLR, BTW.

CS "

Thank you Chris. I will do my best to price this out.

The carbon rails, top grip, base plate, "C" bar, and shoulder mount are from indifocus.com. We test a lot of stuff for them so I don't know exactly the price, but I think it's in the $350-$400 range (call Tim for accurate pricing).

The audio system in this setup is a G2 from Sennheiser, clamped on to a L shaped mount with 2 cold shoes on it (I adapted it myself and attached to one of the rod mounts of the shoulder rig). The recorder is a Marantz 661 24bit 96khz recorder. My background is audio, and I would suggest this recorder to anyone that wants great audio, whether is coming from a wireless system or a boom mike.

The monitor ia a cheap Lilliput 669. Nothing great, but enough for focusing and "seeing what your are doing". It's powered by the battery they sell at coollcd.com. I found the monitor on EBAY for $199 and the battery pack is about $60. Monitor hood is hand made ($5!...)

The matte box with french flag is a Chrosziel we bought a while ago for our EX-1s (about $1400). We adapted the side flaps from India (I don't think you need to spend top $ on side flaps...).

7D has a FF system from indifocus.com. Again, it's a new model they offer and I don't know the exact price. It's very smooth, very adjustable.

The 7D has a (non stabilized) Tamron 17-50 (about $400).

On top of the "C" bar I also have attached a Canon remote for timelapse (tc8-n3) - it does NOT activate video recording, it's just for timelapse photography (about $130 at BH)

The system is VERY versatile. It can also be attached to a tripod head with the quickrelease plate at the bottom. The front grips and the rear shoulder pad section can be detached in seconds. It's easy to carry the rig around as shown in the pictures I posted. It is also confortable on your shoulder and not too heavy.

Hope this helps.

Carlo Zanella

Jim Forrest March 18th, 2010 10:43 PM

The quality of your work shows through no matter what rig you have!

Carlo Zanella March 18th, 2010 10:48 PM

Thank you Jim, very nice compliment. But I always remind myself that I really owe a LOT of what I have learned over the years to THIS forum (and practice of course)!

Don't you feel that way too?? This is just a great place to learn and KEEP learning!

Carlo Zanella

Tony Davies-Patrick March 19th, 2010 06:15 AM

I've heard good things about the Marantz 661 (although yet to try one out myself). Worth a second look I think. Maybe the MARANTZ PMD620 would also be OK and looks to be smaller - anyone tried that model?

Lewis Parrish-Hills March 19th, 2010 07:37 AM

What a great rig, and to think all of that gear is very affordable in comparison to a lot of the other rig manufacturers, I'm really blown away by how good it looks!

Don Bazley March 19th, 2010 07:51 AM

Thanks for posting Carlo.

I'm curious... is the Marantz much better than the Zoom H4n ? If so, what makes it better in your opinion. I'm buying a recorder soon and obviously want the best. Any thoughts anyone?

Jonathan Bufkin March 19th, 2010 08:38 AM


Originally Posted by Carlo Zanella (Post 1501417)

The monitor ia a cheap Lilliput 669. Nothing great, but enough for focusing and "seeing what your are doing". It's powered by the battery they sell at coollcd.com. I found the monitor on EBAY for $199 and the battery pack is about $60. Monitor hood is hand made ($5!...)

Carlo Zanella
The Santa Fe TV Show

If you would, tell me a little more about this monitor. I have been hearing about these lately. Is this a 7" or 9" monitor and what are the pros and cons of it from your opinion?

Carlo Zanella March 19th, 2010 08:44 AM


Originally Posted by Tony Davies-Patrick (Post 1501907)
I've heard good things about the Marantz 661 (although yet to try one out myself). Worth a second look I think. Maybe the MARANTZ PMD620 would also be OK and looks to be smaller - anyone tried that model?

As I haven't tried the 620, it does NOT have XLR inputs. At that point I would probably go for the Zoom, if you want to stay at that price range.

Carlo Zanella
The Santa Fe TV Show

Carlo Zanella March 19th, 2010 08:56 AM


Originally Posted by Jonathan Bufkin (Post 1501971)
If you would, tell me a little more about this monitor. I have been hearing about these lately. Is this a 7" or 9" monitor and what are the pros and cons of it from your opinion?

It is a 7" monitor. I like it because it's fairly small and not too heavy (well, with the battery it gets a little bit heavier...). The quality is OK, don't expect anything where you can judge your settings and color. It is good, as I said, for focusing and framing. There is no image squeeze (I had that experience with the Ikan 8000 2 years ago and it was $800 back then - I returned it). It is NOT that bright, so you lose detail in the shadows pretty quick, it is not as sharp as you would expect by connecting it through the HDMI out of the 7D (at that point I am not qualified to say if the problem is the source or the monitor).

However, ever since I bought it, working with the 7D has become much easier. So, in my opinion, that's what counts. Low angle shots now are possible and more creative filming is becoming easier, since you don't have to be at the camera level. Another cool thing is that, by switching the input (with the dedicated button in the front of the monitor), you can easily go back and forth between the Lilliput and the 7D display, when you are still checking WB, exposure, etc.

Not bad for about $260.

Hope this helps.

Best regards.

Carlo Zanella
The Santa Fe TV Show

Carlo Zanella March 19th, 2010 09:09 AM


Originally Posted by Don Bazley (Post 1501945)
Thanks for posting Carlo.

I'm curious... is the Marantz much better than the Zoom H4n ? If so, what makes it better in your opinion. I'm buying a recorder soon and obviously want the best. Any thoughts anyone?

I have never used the ZOOM. I looked at the specs and it looks it would do the job. As I said, I also run a recording studio, and the Marantz has worked GREAT for pretty much any application (from recording narration straight to it, to masters for music production). At this point, I would probably say that the main difference is going to be the mic preamps, and may be the dynamic range - I tried to see the DR of the Zoom but I could not find it anywhere.

For "audio for video" I think that the ZOOM is probably a very good choice. The Marantz is almost twice the price, your clients and my clients probably won't notice "twice the quality".

Build quality could be another important component, but I have never held the ZOOM so I can't tell. The Marantz is rock solid, but it comes at a price. A little off subject, for instance, the EX-1 has 90db of dynamic range, so, if you feed the camera a good signal,
you can get great audio out of the audio recorded straight into that camera.

But for the 7D, in my opinion, YOU NEED a double audio system!

Carlo Zanella
The Santa Fe TV Show

Carlo Zanella March 19th, 2010 09:21 AM


Originally Posted by Lewis Parrish-Hills (Post 1501941)
What a great rig, and to think all of that gear is very affordable in comparison to a lot of the other rig manufacturers, I'm really blown away by how good it looks!

Thank you! It does look good indeed.
I just think that when you pay top dollars for those expensive rigs you are probably shaving off some weight to the entire rig, but is that proportioned to a big price difference? We may all have different answers to that. All it counts to me is that the rig is practical, feels good on your shoulders, SOLID, and easy to take apart. As crews are getting smaller in this still harsh economy, when I purchase something, I always make sure that I don't need 2 or 3 people just to operate or put together gear, whether is a Jib of shoulder rig, or whatever. I can put that camera on and Indislider Pro from the shoulder rig configuration in less than a minute: now, that's easy! (without taking the rails, matte box, and FF off...).

Carlo Zanella
The Santa Fe TV Show

Jeff Zimmerman March 19th, 2010 10:27 AM

Nice... think I'll make it my new wallpaper. You've inspired to build up my 7D rig.


Jennifer Brown March 20th, 2010 09:23 AM

Your Canon 7D looks impressive. How much does the whole thing actually weigh? BTW--your web site makes me want to come to New Mexico. Beautiful!

Jim Forrest March 20th, 2010 06:31 PM

2 Attachment(s)

Originally Posted by Carlo Zanella (Post 1502003)
Thank you! It does look good indeed.
I just think that when you pay top dollars for those expensive rigs you are probably shaving off some weight to the entire rig, but is that proportioned to a big price difference? We may all have different answers to that. All it counts to me is that the rig is practical, feels good on your shoulders, SOLID, and easy to take apart. As crews are getting smaller in this still harsh economy, when I purchase something, I always make sure that I don't need 2 or 3 people just to operate or put together gear, whether is a Jib of shoulder rig, or whatever. I can put that camera on and Indislider Pro from the shoulder rig configuration in less than a minute: now, that's easy! (without taking the rails, matte box, and FF off...).

Carlo Zanella
The Santa Fe TV Show

Studio4 Productions is coming out with a new smaller rig called the UltraCompact that is a bit smaller and a bit lighter for $299. I talked to Tim Ovel at Indifocus and he is familiar with your rig and you as well....I guess you bought it from him?
In any case I bought one and hope to get it next week.

Carlo Zanella March 21st, 2010 02:47 PM

Yes, it's coming from Tim.
If you plan to use it with a DSLR system I would suggest to switch the handle to the left side, so it won't get in the way of the CF card slot and battery compartment. I did that with my 7D and it works GREAT. The cool thing about that "C' mount is that it has a lot of holes where you can attach stuff on. For example, it was easy for me to attach the Solid State recorder, wireless receiver, LED lights, and more. I've also attached the handle upside down to be less bulky (and it won't get in the way of the 7" monitor arm.

Good luck building up your "ultimate" rig too!

Carlo Zanella
The Santa Fe TV Show

Carlo Zanella March 21st, 2010 02:53 PM


Originally Posted by Jennifer Brown (Post 1502532)
Your Canon 7D looks impressive. How much does the whole thing actually weigh? BTW--your web site makes me want to come to New Mexico. Beautiful!

It is indeed beautiful here in New Mexico! The rig weights about 15 pounds, but it has a LOT of stuff hooked up to it! You can probably shave off a good 5 pounds if you don't use the monitor and the double audio system. If you like New Mexico, make sure to check out the "Director's Pick" on episode 4 of the The Santa Fe TV Show. It comes after Chef Matt Yohalem (direct link: e4).


Carlo Zanella
The Santa Fe TV Show

William Chung March 23rd, 2010 08:18 AM


Originally Posted by Jim Forrest (Post 1502740)
Studio4 Productions is coming out with a new smaller rig called the UltraCompact that is a bit smaller and a bit lighter for $299. I talked to Tim Ovel at Indifocus and he is familiar with your rig and you as well....I guess you bought it from him?
In any case I bought one and hope to get it next week.

Which model is this with the handle? I don't see it on their site at all.

Jim Forrest March 23rd, 2010 08:34 AM

It is a new model and I don't believe they have it on their web site yet. I just happened to call them and they mentioned they had something new.
Call Tim Ovel at (319) 504-3985. He is hard the catch however.

Mike Calla March 23rd, 2010 09:41 AM


Originally Posted by Carlo Zanella (Post 1502003)
(...)As crews are getting smaller in this still harsh economy, when I purchase something, I always make sure that I don't need 2 or 3 people just to operate (...)

Extremely true for the times!

(And on another note, sad to say, i can't view your sites videos anymore here in China... seems everyday that passes another site gets blocked...or in this case, partially blocked)

Carlo Zanella March 23rd, 2010 12:00 PM

Sorry to hear that Mike. How come that sites get "partially" blocked?

Carlo Zanella
The Santa Fe TV Show

Mike Calla March 23rd, 2010 01:50 PM

cen sorship... lots of sites with video have the just the video blocked.

sad but true:( getting really tired of it... A few months ago after finishing a short for the DVinfo's DV Challenge i found vimeo blocked, couldn't upload or view the site...very frustrating.

i can't even upload here...but i know Dan Chung does and he's sometimes in bei jing when he does - maybe he uses a vpn to do so?

sucks, i enjoyed your first two episodes!

Do you host the video on your site or is it streamed via vimeo or youtube?

PS as you can see even i self cen sor! DVInfo has been blocked on occasion as well.

i use a web proxy but anything java related doesn't work!

William Chung March 23rd, 2010 04:14 PM

Hey Guys, I called Tim up and just have a few updates.

He said he's currently working with his web guy to have the new products up in the coming week or so. I went ahead and ordered the ultra compact and some indi snap lens gears! They look amazingly convenient. Thanks Carlo for giving us the info on this!

Carlo Zanella March 23rd, 2010 04:22 PM

That's really too bad - very sorry to hear that - it's 2010, I thought we were all past that...
Episode 3 and 4 are even better: more music! We are now working on E5, and I feel it may be the best: new content, some new exciting people!
For now our video is hosted on VIMEO (not the site, just the video). We are coming out shortly with a DVD and Blu-Ray with the first 4 episodes and "bloopers". Check out the home page from time to time.

Glad you enjoy our work, very much appreciated. Any comments or suggestions?
Drop me a line.

Best regards.

Carlo Zanella
The Santa Fe TV Show

Do you live in China or are you there just for work?

Randy Panado March 23rd, 2010 05:37 PM

Hi Carlo,

You mention switching back and forward from 7D monitor to the liliput, can you do this while recording as I know when I pull/insert the cable on the side it'll stop recording.


Carlo Zanella March 23rd, 2010 06:24 PM


That's a good guestion. I am in the middle of something now, but as soon I'm free tonight I will check and get back to you ASAP.

Carlo Zanella
The Santa Fe TV Show

Carlo Zanella March 23rd, 2010 07:56 PM


Originally Posted by Randy Panado (Post 1504360)
Hi Carlo,

You mention switching back and forward from 7D monitor to the liliput, can you do this while recording as I know when I pull/insert the cable on the side it'll stop recording.



As soon as you change input on the lilliput, recording stops indeed. I haven't felt that as a problem, because when I am ready to roll, usually I do not look at the camera display anymore...all settings have been done, it's filming time, and the lilliput becomes the framing and focus reference. If I have to change settings, usually I am not rolling, so it is not a problem.

Hope this helps.

Carlo Zanella
The Santa Fe TV Show

Mike Calla March 24th, 2010 09:36 AM


Originally Posted by Carlo Zanella (Post 1504329)
That's really too bad - very sorry to hear that - it's 2010, I thought we were all past that...
Episode 3 and 4 are even better: more music! We are now working on E5, and I feel it may be the best: new content, some new exciting people!
For now our video is hosted on VIMEO (not the site, just the video). We are coming out shortly with a DVD and Blu-Ray with the first 4 episodes and "bloopers". Check out the home page from time to time.

Glad you enjoy our work, very much appreciated. Any comments or suggestions?
Drop me a line.

Best regards.

Carlo Zanella
The Santa Fe TV Show

Do you live in China or are you there just for work?

hehe, i guess 2010 means different things to different gov. Its inconvenient yes, but in the end, i feel safe and happy (careful with food, water and chemicals though even in the most modern city, Shanghai) so i guess there is always a price to pay.

That your video is hosted on vimeo makes perfect sense as vimeo is blocked. So in reality your site is not blocked but your video is hosted on a blocked site. I've been putting off paying for a VPN, that will allow me to bypass the cen sorship, but getting fed up so this week i made my short list of vpns i 'd like to purchase so maybe next week i'll get to see those videos of yours.

As for your ps question: in China, as a foreigner, you must have a job to keep a temporary residence visa, no such thing as permanent residency here save for a select few who have helped the country, such as long term charity workers.

I've been living here for more than 4 years and probably be here for many more. The opportunities are absolutely endless.

TV shows here are horrendous production wise, TVCs are impeccable, great production value, and the movie industry quite mature with great production value.

And Chinese studios purchased a lot old technicolor products when hollywood moved away from it in the eaerly 70s so the color palettes of the films are ...unique in old school ways. i.e. technicolor film processing with DI post. Some of the prints are the most pristine and clear i've ever seen. And the underground sans permit indie film community is growing at very fast rate:)

Carlo Zanella March 24th, 2010 11:29 AM

Thank you for your reply. All that you are saying is VERY interesting. I've always admired people who leave their Country to follow their passions! I moved from Italy to US myself, even though it wasn't for video, it was music back then...
Obviously you are involved in the industry, but what do you exactly do there, if you don't mind?

Good luck in China and let's stay in touch from time to time. If you have any question or want to share some thoughts you can also reach me through my email posted in this site.

Best regards.

Carlo Zanella
The Santa Fe TV Show

Randy Panado March 24th, 2010 12:05 PM


Originally Posted by Carlo Zanella (Post 1504413)

As soon as you change input on the lilliput, recording stops indeed. I haven't felt that as a problem, because when I am ready to roll, usually I do not look at the camera display anymore...all settings have been done, it's filming time, and the lilliput becomes the framing and focus reference. If I have to change settings, usually I am not rolling, so it is not a problem.

Hope this helps.

Carlo Zanella
The Santa Fe TV Show

Appreciate the reply bro! :)

Sean Seah March 25th, 2010 12:40 AM


Originally Posted by Tony Davies-Patrick (Post 1501907)
I've heard good things about the Marantz 661 (although yet to try one out myself). Worth a second look I think. Maybe the MARANTZ PMD620 would also be OK and looks to be smaller - anyone tried that model?

Hey Tony, I have the zoom H4n and I'll say its a real value for money on camera recorder.You could record live and pull a feed to the DSLR via a PAD -25db cable from Pinknoise.

However if you are looking to feed audio from a line or mic input, the pre amps from Marantz 661 seems a lot better. I did a lot of research over the past few days and found the reviews from the site below really helpful. I'm in the midst of some VO testing with the Porta booth and although the H4n did pretty well with an AKE3000B, the noise floor could be better in my opinion.

Transom Tool: Marantz PMD 661

Transom Tool: Zoom H4n

Transom Tool: Marantz PMD 620

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