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Canon EOS Crop Sensor for HD
APS-C sensor cameras including the 80D, 70D, 7D Mk. II, 7D, EOS M and Rebel models for HD video recording.

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Old April 2nd, 2010, 12:05 PM   #46
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Originally Posted by Sam Kanter View Post
As far as I can tell. How can I be sure?

What other programs?
If it's not full res, it should look different on the screen. slightly soft. As for other programs, Powerdirector can do it as can Edius NeoBooster2. Full Edius should have it shortly.
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Old April 2nd, 2010, 03:50 PM   #47
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sync issuie with T2i and Cineform

As recommened I downloaded Cineform, for my T2i footage I use Vegas 9 64 bit and Windows 7 64 bit. All the intermediates it created have an auido synce issue. Any ideas?
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Old April 2nd, 2010, 04:57 PM   #48
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DVfilm has a inexpensive plugin for Vegas Pro users that transforms the raw QT movies from the camera into easy to edit proxies, and then when its time for output, you render from the original file. And all this is done automatically, behind the scenes.

Epic I by DVFilm - Edit DSLR H.264 Quicktimes from Canon 5d, Canon 7d, or Canon Rebel in real time with Sony Vegas Pro 9.0

I am trying it out tonight.
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Old April 2nd, 2010, 05:12 PM   #49
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Interesting, please let me know how it works out.
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Old April 2nd, 2010, 08:35 PM   #50
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Originally Posted by Perrone Ford View Post
If it's not full res, it should look different on the screen. slightly soft. As for other programs, Powerdirector can do it as can Edius NeoBooster2. Full Edius should have it shortly.
Clips played from Pinnacle timeline look exactly like same clips played from Quicktime - seems full rez to me. I usually can look at edits in full rez, full screen - very nice, not some low-rez version.
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Old April 3rd, 2010, 12:17 AM   #51
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A little problem during the install (user error) but I got it up and running and it works well. $45 doesn't break the bank- its the cheapest accessory I've bought for the 550d so far.

My only gripe is that the plugin runs on your computer all the time unless you shut it down from the taskbar. It really should only activate and run when Vegas is running. I hope they fix that in their first update. And I do think there should be a video tutorial on its use, it would get people up and running quick and cut down on support requests.
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Old April 3rd, 2010, 09:36 AM   #52
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I have this old computer from 2004 which has worked well for cutting DV.

But now with my 550d, how much would a computer (PC) cost me to be able to cut the material (converted to a better format) in full HD without lag or hickups? And being able to use two monitors.

An averageprice? $1500?
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Old April 3rd, 2010, 09:30 PM   #53
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Originally Posted by Ed Kishel View Post
DVfilm has a inexpensive plugin for Vegas Pro users that transforms the raw QT movies from the camera into easy to edit proxies, and then when its time for output, you render from the original file. And all this is done automatically, behind the scenes.

Epic I by DVFilm - Edit DSLR H.264 Quicktimes from Canon 5d, Canon 7d, or Canon Rebel in real time with Sony Vegas Pro 9.0

I am trying it out tonight.
This only works with 32-bit version of Vegas, not 64-bit. :-( Let us know how it works out...
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Old April 4th, 2010, 10:35 AM   #54
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Originally Posted by Emil Gustafsson Ryderup View Post
I have this old computer from 2004 which has worked well for cutting DV.

But now with my 550d, how much would a computer (PC) cost me to be able to cut the material (converted to a better format) in full HD without lag or hickups? And being able to use two monitors.

An averageprice? $1500?
There's no answer that could cover all the bases (cost vs. performance) that would make everyone happy. You just need to pick the process that causes the least pain.

Spend the money now, get he performance to gain time to pay for the upgrade.
Go cheap, pay in time wasted to render.

I think $1500 is cutting yourself way too short. It's painful to think in the $3-$4K range, but that's what you need to consider. I was in the same boat a couple of months back an have no regrets spending the extra cash. RT edits and 6x render speeds mean you move to the next project faster. The day you forget conversion (just to start editing) is the day your new pc pays for itself.
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Old April 4th, 2010, 04:22 PM   #55
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Originally Posted by Ed Kishel View Post
A little problem during the install (user error) but I got it up and running and it works well. $45 doesn't break the bank- its the cheapest accessory I've bought for the 550d so far.

My only gripe is that the plugin runs on your computer all the time unless you shut it down from the taskbar. It really should only activate and run when Vegas is running. I hope they fix that in their first update. And I do think there should be a video tutorial on its use, it would get people up and running quick and cut down on support requests.
Ed how is this working? I just shot a hot project with both the XH-A1 and T2i at the same time. Would like to use the T2i footage, if this works sounds like what I need.

Thanks in advance!
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Old April 4th, 2010, 04:27 PM   #56
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Originally Posted by Sam Kanter View Post
This only works with 32-bit version of Vegas, not 64-bit. :-( Let us know how it works out...
I saw that, but I find since several of my plugin don't have 64 bit yet, and the fact that you can't preview on capture with the 64 bit, I find myself using the 32bit more anwyay. So this wouldn't be a big deal for me, let us know Ed? Thanks in advance!
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Old April 4th, 2010, 04:41 PM   #57
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Originally Posted by Sam Kanter View Post
This only works with 32-bit version of Vegas, not 64-bit. :-( Let us know how it works out...
I saw that, but I find since several of my plugin don't have 64 bit yet, and the fact that you can't preview on capture with the 64 bit, I find myself using the 32bit more anwyay. So this wouldn't be a big deal for me, let us know Ed? Thanks in advance!
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Old April 6th, 2010, 04:17 AM   #58
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I think $1500 is cutting yourself way too short. It's painful to think in the $3-$4K range, but that's what you need to consider. I was in the same boat a couple of months back an have no regrets spending the extra cash. RT edits and 6x render speeds mean you move to the next project faster. The day you forget conversion (just to start editing) is the day your new pc pays for itself.
Ok. But the thing is. I dont work proffesionally and I don't have that kind of cash to spend (at least this year). Rendering is not really a problem.

I nedd a computer for A) edit 550d footage in full HD in Premier Pro for shorter projects (shoter than 10min) and I need it for B) "animate" in Premier Pro using still images, layers and effects (Example: YouTube - The Man Who Wanted To Die) in full HD.

Would a 1500dollar comp work for that but with rendering or will the editing be laggy and the playback not flow? Rendering is not my main concern but not having fluid playback etc would suck. I render animation etc in PAL (720x576) on my current computer (p4 2.4ghz, 4gig RAm, ATI Radeon 9600) and don't find it "to" painfull - but as seen that computer will not work at all with cutting 550d fottage or "animate" in full HD :/
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Old April 6th, 2010, 08:11 AM   #59
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Originally Posted by Emil Gustafsson Ryderup View Post
Would a 1500dollar comp work for that but with rendering or will the editing be laggy and the playback not flow? Rendering is not my main concern but not having fluid playback etc would suck. I render animation etc in PAL (720x576) on my current computer (p4 2.4ghz, 4gig RAm, ATI Radeon 9600) and don't find it "to" painfull - but as seen that computer will not work at all with cutting 550d fottage or "animate" in full HD :/
Dont be foxed by the numbers game. You dont need to spend a fortune on a PC to edit on. I just checked UK prices, and for well under $1500 you should be able to pick up a core 2 quad or an i5 tower with 6 to 8 gig ram, 1.5 tb hdd etc. I am still using my Core 2 duo 2.4 with 2gb ram for editing XD Cam EX, HDV and Canon H264 footage on. Yes I convert the H264 with Mpeg Streamclip, but its no big deal. I have never spent over £1000 for an edit PC, and have never seen any reason to do so. Even with an i7 system you would probably have to convert H264. I use Edius5, PPro CS4 and Vegas 9. The best of these at handling the Canon clips is IMO Edius
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Old April 6th, 2010, 09:50 AM   #60
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Originally Posted by Curtis Edwards View Post
Ed how is this working? I just shot a hot project with both the XH-A1 and T2i at the same time. Would like to use the T2i footage, if this works sounds like what I need.

Thanks in advance!
it works fine- when the clips are converted to the proxies, it's like editing DV. Remember though, they are low rez proxies, so during the editing they will look like uprezzed dv clips. Try the demo- it's full fucntioning without a watermark.

The demo only does 5 second clips- so shoot a couple small 5 sec clips and test it out before you buy.
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