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Wil Vermeesch April 5th, 2013 04:21 AM

Canon C100
In the Netherlands there is at the moment a price drop og €1000,- on this body .

IS Canion going to make an announcement at NAB about a new camera in between C100 and C300?

I want to buy one but probably I can better wait?


Pavel Sedlak April 5th, 2013 05:08 AM

Re: Canon C100
There is a new DIGIC DV 4 signal procesor, so we can see some new type of the Canon C-camera at NAB. But I don't think that this new types will be available before Christmas 2013 .-) . If you have a good business, then the camera will be paid in one year.

Monday Isa April 5th, 2013 06:29 AM

Re: Canon C100
There maybe a in development announcement from Canon at the most. Canon released all it's NAB press releases so they're pretty much done with new cams at NAB. If there's a new C-cam coming they'll do the whole invitation campaign they've done for all 4 C-cinema cams. So far I haven't seen anything like that for NAB only from Sony for Sunday.

In terms of the $1,000 instant rebate on the C100 in other countries the AF100 and FS100 are both at $3,999 body only at B&H right now. The C100 is $2,500 more then both of them. Unless you really wanted the C100 the FS100 and AF100 are pretty cheap for some to go that route. I could see Canon do a $1,000 instant rebate for a month then price goes back up then comes down a little in a couple more months. They did just release the C100 Kit at $7099 no rebate as Texas Media posted here on the forum.

Glen Vandermolen April 5th, 2013 07:19 AM

Re: Canon C100
Wil, you'll have your answer within a week: NAB is finally here. Definitely wait that long until you purchase a camera.

Troy Moss April 5th, 2013 09:25 AM

Re: Canon C100
A discount will be announced at NAB for the C100 Kit (with 24-105 lens) by Monday. Price with lens probably in the $6000-$6500 range. Body only price $5500 or ???

Monday Isa April 5th, 2013 09:30 AM

Re: Canon C100

Originally Posted by Troy Moss (Post 1788893)
A discount will be announced at NAB for the C100 Kit (with 24-105 lens) by Monday. Price with lens probably in the $6000-$6500 range. Body only price $5500 or ???

You must have missed Terry's thread here: http://www.dvinfo.net/forum/canon-ci...ml#post1788418

Chris Hurd April 5th, 2013 10:55 AM

Re: Canon C100

Originally Posted by Wil Vermeesch (Post 1788838)
IS Canion going to make an announcement at NAB about a new camera in between C100 and C300?

I don't think so (but I'd love to be wrong about this. All of Canon's NAB announcements are published here:

News at DV Info Net

Troy Moss April 5th, 2013 12:06 PM

Re: Canon C100

Originally Posted by Monday Isa (Post 1788896)
You must have missed Terry's thread here: http://www.dvinfo.net/forum/canon-ci...ml#post1788418

Unfortunately, you are incorrect Monday Isa. The link from Texas Media Systems is just there as preparation to take orders. The discount for the body and kit will be announced on Monday. It's already being sold at several international retailers with a $1,000 INSTANT rebate for the body/ kit.

Andy Solaini April 5th, 2013 10:01 PM

Re: Canon C100

Originally Posted by Wil Vermeesch (Post 1788838)
In the Netherlands there is at the moment a price drop og €1000,- on this body .

I can't see any price drops in UK shops. Is it only certain countries that are getting a discount?

Troy Moss April 5th, 2013 11:34 PM

Re: Canon C100

Originally Posted by Andy Solaini (Post 1789028)
I can't see any price drops in UK shops. Is it only certain countries that are getting a discount?

US and UK will hear about the discounts on the C100 Monday during NAB! I've seen the discount in Canada and a few other countries (already posted on those sites). Just a few more days! Maybe even lower prices than expected!!!!

Andy Solaini April 6th, 2013 09:05 AM

Re: Canon C100

Originally Posted by Troy Moss (Post 1789033)
US and UK will hear about the discounts on the C100 Monday during NAB! I've seen the discount in Canada and a few other countries (already posted on those sites). Just a few more days! Maybe even lower prices than expected!!!!

Thanks for the info Troy. I will eagerly await the prices on Monday. It makes choosing the C100 + Ninja 2 over a C300 an easier decision if there is a big reduction on the C100.

Troy Moss April 6th, 2013 09:25 AM

Re: Canon C100

Originally Posted by Andy Solaini (Post 1789089)
Thanks for the info Troy. I will eagerly await the prices on Monday. It makes choosing the C100 + Ninja 2 over a C300 an easier decision if there is a big reduction on the C100.

Yes, C100 with Ninja 2 is by far a better deal than purchasing the C300 (for many buyers). Various topics discussed in detail on several forums (comparing the two). It's all about YOUR OWN individual needs for a particular product. But yes, looks like I'm going that route too after my own personal usage of both cameras.

Andy Solaini April 6th, 2013 09:54 AM

Re: Canon C100
Ultimately I would like a C300 over a C100 but even at the current price point the differences in features just don't justify the extra cost for me. With the price reduction it's even more of a no-brainer.

Andy Solaini April 8th, 2013 10:30 AM

Re: Canon C100
Damn the price is still the same today in the UK. I could really do with seeing something concrete about this very soon as I guess it's for a limited time and I will be out of the country in just over a week.

Pavel Sedlak April 8th, 2013 01:45 PM

Re: Canon C100
In Prague shop (fotoskoda.cz) is C100 already with 1000 USD price drop.
CANON EOS C 100 | Videokamery Canon | Centrum FotoŠkoda

(135.000,- CZK include VAT is about 25.000,- CZK less then before, it is about 1000 USD less)

Art Varga April 9th, 2013 06:11 AM

Re: Canon C100
does anyone know if this is a permanent price drop? B&H has it listed as a rebate offer good only through 4/11.

Troy Moss April 9th, 2013 08:18 AM

Re: Canon C100

Originally Posted by Art Varga (Post 1789628)
does anyone know if this is a permanent price drop? B&H has it listed as a rebate offer good only through 4/11.

Offer is good through June 30th!

Dan Burnap April 9th, 2013 09:37 AM

Re: Canon C100
Anyone seen the C100 discounted in the UK?

Andy Solaini April 9th, 2013 10:24 AM

Re: Canon C100

Originally Posted by Dan Burnap (Post 1789654)
Anyone seen the C100 discounted in the UK?

I've been keeping an eye on it and not seen anything at all. Is the UK definitely going to see a discount?

Ben Giles April 9th, 2013 10:30 AM

Re: Canon C100
UK - proav.co.uk just quoted me £3295 + VAT (down from £3675)


Andy Wilkinson April 9th, 2013 10:46 AM

Re: Canon C100
That's a terrific price for the C100 and the capabilities it brings!

Andy Solaini April 9th, 2013 10:53 AM

Re: Canon C100

Originally Posted by Ben Giles (Post 1789664)
UK - proav.co.uk just quoted me £3295 + VAT (down from £3675)


I guess you had to specifically ask for a price? It still says £3675 + VAT on the site.

Ben Giles April 9th, 2013 01:02 PM

Re: Canon C100
Apparently, they're changing it tonight.


Dan Burnap April 9th, 2013 03:49 PM

Re: Canon C100
I've just emailed CVP.co.uk if they have a discount. When they reply I will post here.

Chris Malley April 9th, 2013 04:57 PM

Re: Canon C100
Good plan Dan!

With the C100 coming down in price (hard to find a confirmation of future price in UK) and the Atomos Ninja 2 coming down in price too, I can't wait to scrape some pennies together. I tend to buy most things from CVP, so I can't wait for the reply.

Andy Solaini April 9th, 2013 06:10 PM

Re: Canon C100

Originally Posted by Dan Burnap (Post 1789711)
I've just emailed CVP.co.uk if they have a discount. When they reply I will post here.

If you can let us know that would be very useful thanks Dan.

I would be after a C100 and a Ninja 2 so if both are getting a price reduction that's great. Anyone know when the Ninja reduction will happen?

Troy Moss April 9th, 2013 06:19 PM

Re: Canon C100
Atomos Ninja 2 Price Reduction already occurred (announced yesterday at NAB). Just found out the New Price is $795! The $695 Ninja 2 will only have one battery with a single battery charger (along with all other accessories). It will be available end of May. Just received this update on Wednesday morning......

Andy Wilkinson April 10th, 2013 01:19 AM

Re: Canon C100
CVP have a UK price match policy which I can vouch from experience they honour. Details of how it works are on their website. They also have a superb approach to customer service if anything should go wrong, which I can also confirm from personal experience...

As always, if you're UK based, buy your gear from a reputable dealer, whether it be CVP, H Preston, ProAV, Jigsaw24 etc. Our friends across the pond have a number of excellent dealers and DVinfo Forum sponsors to choose from too.

The Ninja 2 price reduction is interesting. Wonder if there is going to be a "Ninja 3" with a better capacative screen appearing sometime later this year - but too early for a NAB announcement? (i.e. a screen like the new Samurai Blade has). Really wish the Blade had both a SDI and HDMI input option, without needing the extra bulk of the slot-on converter they sell. Mind you, at that price the Ninja 2 is golden partner to any C100 where you need or want 4:2:2 and I guess they wanted to keep the Blade as small as possible.

Dan Burnap April 10th, 2013 10:35 AM

Re: Canon C100
Had a reply from CVP:

"Hi Dan

Thank you for your email we have stock of the C100 please see link attached Canon EOS C100 EF (Cinema, EOS, C-100) Super 35mm digital cinematography camcorder with EF lens mount
At this price would you like me to quote this product for you.

Look forward to your thoughts."

The link is for their current page with the existing price of £3,675.00 + VAT £4,410.00 inc VAT

The wording is a bit strange but it would seem they are open to offers..?

Chris Malley April 10th, 2013 10:45 AM

Re: Canon C100
Thats definitely a strange one...I'd ask for a quote/price match on the C100 & Ninja 2 bundle form jigsaw24.

EOS Camera Range | Canon C100 and Atomos Ninja 2 Bundle includes mount, drive and cable | J24

However they are still showing the "old" pricing. It is worth keeping in mind the price dropped Ninja comes without many of the accessories like 1 battery instead of 2, no docking station, no carrycase etc.

Troy Moss April 10th, 2013 11:08 AM

Re: Canon C100
The $695 Ninja 2 DOES include the docking station! See my updated post under "Digital Video Industry News"

Ben Giles April 10th, 2013 02:46 PM

Re: Canon C100
We bought a C100 today for £3295 from Proactive - their new stock arrives on Friday. Had 2 conversations with CVP today and they said they're not dropping their price.


Andy Solaini April 10th, 2013 03:34 PM

Re: Canon C100
Proactive C100 + Ninja 2 comes to £4673 inc VAT which is a good price.

Does anyone know if Jigsaw24 do price matches because they are currently about £270 more expensive but they are only a couple of miles from me and I have always bought my expensive equipment from them.

Andy Wilkinson April 11th, 2013 03:42 AM

Re: Canon C100
Well done Ben.

ProAV website is now showing £3295 ex VAT. CVP are currently showing £3660 ex VAT.

Enjoy your new C100!

Art Varga April 12th, 2013 06:38 AM

Re: Canon C100

Originally Posted by Troy Moss (Post 1789642)
Offer is good through June 30th!

Is the June 30th date only for the kit price (with 24-105)? I see that the body- only price went back up to $6499 at B&H today. So with the kit selling for $6099 this may be the better deal anyway as it would seem like I could sell off the 24-105 for more than $600 if I wanted to.

Troy Moss April 12th, 2013 04:03 PM

Re: Canon C100
That's an error. If you check now, you'll see BH Photo has the C100 body for $5499.

Jim Martin April 13th, 2013 11:46 AM

Re: Canon C100
We received our C100 kits on Wednesday....same price as all the other dealers....rebates going to June 30th.

Jim Martin

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