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Larry Secrest February 25th, 2015 07:00 AM

Thinking of the BMCCP cam
I'm debating right now between buying the production cam or the GH4.
I have no problem with all the post production mentioned in many threads as far as the BM.
What I need to know is whether or not the FPN has really been fixed?
What's the status of this cam?

Shaughan Flynn February 27th, 2015 01:54 PM

Re: Thinking of the BMCCP cam
I bought a BMPC back in August. No FPN issues. No issues at all except the black sun issue.

Larry Secrest March 5th, 2015 06:45 AM

Re: Thinking of the BMCCP cam
Would you mind telling more about that black sun issue?

Jim Andrada March 5th, 2015 12:56 PM

Re: Thinking of the BMCCP cam
Intense highlights (sun reflected off of water, etc) can show up with a black dot in the center)

Blackmagic Forum ? View topic - BLACK SUN and Center Crop

Bill Pryor March 6th, 2015 09:48 AM

Re: Thinking of the BMCCP cam
I was close to the BMPC 4K but after reading lots of posts on their forum I decided to hold off. I've seen some beautiful footage and know several people who have one, but there are way too many posts about hot pixels, and some other issues. The FPN, according to what I've read and seen samples of, seems to show up on very dark areas when shooting at 800ASA. So if you're in that situation you have to shoot at 400 and no problem. The black spot means no sunsets, sunrises where the sun is big in the shot, and there is the big orb issue from car headlights at night. So for me the camera would be an most excellent second camera but not one I would feel comfortable with on an out of town shoot. If I got one I'd also want the BMCC or Pocket Camera to have as a backup and to use in situations where the 4K camera would be inappropriate.

Larry Secrest March 6th, 2015 07:12 PM

Re: Thinking of the BMCCP cam
Bill, in what situation would the 4K camera be inappropriate?

What cam close to the price range of a 4K black magic camera would you pick up then?

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