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Jeff Troiano May 29th, 2013 11:12 AM

Training resources for DaVinci Resolve?
Since I have preordered the pocket cinema camera, I've downloaded and started messing around with DaVinci Reslove Lite. I figure the BMCC ships Resolve, so I wanted to inquire about any good training material.

Does anyone have any recommendations for books, or online course, or anything, with regards to Resolve? Figure I still have a couple months (at least), before my Pocket Cinema Camera arrives. So I wanted to get a jump start on learning how to use resolve. I've watched pretty much every YouTube video I can find, and I'm hoping there might be some better resources out there. Looking on amazon, all I've found was the Classondemand DVD, but that's a bit dated, from the looks fmthe preview (for an older version of reslove).

Thanks of anyone can point me in the right directions.


Jason Lowe May 29th, 2013 03:13 PM

Re: Training resources for DaVinci Resolve?
Good question. I downloaded DaVinci Resolve Lite, figuring I could stumble through it enough to make minor corrections to some footage I have. Couldn't do a single thing with it.

Looks extremely powerful, but the learning curve must be vertical.

Evan Donn May 29th, 2013 04:10 PM

Re: Training resources for DaVinci Resolve?
Color Grading Central has a whole series that is current with version 9 (~$150 for six months access):

DaVinci Resolve Tutorials

And Ripple Training has a series available through iTunes or on thumbdrive for ~$100:

Davinci Resolve 9 Core Training

I haven't tried either yet personally, just found them because I've been looking for something to get me up to speed - I'm probably going to go with the ripple one just because I've been following the blog of the instructor (Alexis Van Hurkman) for a couple of years now and he seems to know his stuff.

Adam Chapman May 29th, 2013 04:52 PM

Re: Training resources for DaVinci Resolve?
A basic place to start:
Tutorial Series Color Grading 101 with DaVinci Resolve 9 - F-Stop Academy

He goes through primary/secondary correction and power masks. Only discouraging part from the video is not having an external control surface. These helped me get a footing in resolve.

After that, check out The Summer Blockbuster look:
The Summer Blockbuster Colour Grading TutorialJuanMelara.com.au

I had to take his tutorial much slower and google'd things I didn't know about.

John Richard May 31st, 2013 07:23 AM

Re: Training resources for DaVinci Resolve?
I definitely recommend the Van Hurkman training from Ripple. Very complete. Alexis is the author of the Resolve manual.

There is also a simple starter tutorial that comes with Resolve with downloadable files to follow along with. All on the BM site. It is a fast way to kick start. And while it seems daunting at first, it really isn't if you do this training tutorial from BM. Of course, mastering 50% of the Resolve's capabilities is going to take you some time and effort - but it is well worth it.

And team up footage from the BMCC with Resolve and you have some killer looking story telling capabilities.

Jeff Troiano May 31st, 2013 08:55 AM

Re: Training resources for DaVinci Resolve?

Originally Posted by John Richard (Post 1798078)
I definitely recommend the Van Hurkman training from Ripple. Very complete. Alexis is the author of the Resolve manual.

There is also a simple starter tutorial that comes with Resolve with downloadable files to follow along with. All on the BM site. It is a fast way to kick start. And while it seems daunting at first, it really isn't if you do this training tutorial from BM. Of course, mastering 50% of the Resolve's capabilities is going to take you some time and effort - but it is well worth it.

And team up footage from the BMCC with Resolve and you have some killer looking story telling capabilities.

Thank you everyone for the advice. I had found both the training programs, and was deciding between the two. I have ordered the Ripple training. I will work through the training on BM's site first, then move onto the Van Hurkman training. I have at least 2 months until my Pocket Cinema camera arrives, so ill learn Resolve while I wait!

Jeremy Hughes June 21st, 2013 12:03 AM

Re: Training resources for DaVinci Resolve?
Another good one is Tao of Color from Patrick Inhofer
Video Color Correction Tutorials & Training: Tao of Color Grading

Follow him on Twitter and sign up for his free newsletter, its full of Sunday morning goodness.

The links above are great resources and I'd also include anything from Warren Eagles in there as well.

Jeff Troiano July 2nd, 2013 07:59 AM

Re: Training resources for DaVinci Resolve?

Originally Posted by Evan Donn (Post 1797889)
And Ripple Training has a series available through iTunes or on thumbdrive for ~$100:

Davinci Resolve 9 Core Training

I'm about half way through the 11 hours of training. This is an incredible training series. If you want to learn about Resolve, this is the (in my opinion) best way to start.

Serena Steuart July 21st, 2013 06:47 AM

Re: Training resources for DaVinci Resolve?
A learning cliff rather than just a learning curve! I have started but my immediate problem is getting the viewer onto my colour grading monitor. Video scopes can be dragged over, but I can find no way to undock the viewer or to get the external monitor to show the image. I've been through Project Manager and Settings and presume that somewhere the manual tells me how to set DaVinci up for an external monitor. Windows 7 with NVIDIA 560Ti card.

Jeff Troiano July 21st, 2013 07:08 AM

Re: Training resources for DaVinci Resolve?

Originally Posted by Serena Steuart (Post 1805488)
A learning cliff rather than just a learning curve! I have started but my immediate problem is getting the viewer onto my colour grading monitor. Video scopes can be dragged over, but I can find no way to undock the viewer or to get the external monitor to show the image. I've been through Project Manager and Settings and presume that somewhere the manual tells me how to set DaVinci up for an external monitor. Windows 7 with NVIDIA 560Ti card.

What are you using to output to the external monitor? I'm using a blackmagic designs intensity pro card, outputting over hdmi to my external monitor. If you are using a 2nd video screen over the nvidia 560ti, I don't think you'll be successful using it as a 2nd monitor.

I followed the davinci setup, for optimizing my system, and added my stock gt 120 back into my system. Runs my 30 inch dell. And my quadro 4000 Mac is a cuda card only. Nothing is hooked up to it. My color grading monitor (not a very good one yet) is, as I said before, hooked up via the intensity pro card.


Just looked at my software. If you go into preferences, then into video I/O, will have an option to select your I/O card (in my case its the Intensity Pro card). I selected that, and external monitor works.

On a side note, if you don't yet have a dedicated card for this, the Intensity Pro gets the proper signal to a grading monitor, and the card is less less then $200 US

Serena Steuart July 21st, 2013 09:06 PM

Re: Training resources for DaVinci Resolve?
Thanks for that information. I'll have to get a card and your Intensity Pro is one I'll probably choose. I haven't found any mention in the Resolve manual about multiple GUI displays not being suitable, which is the sort of information on system requirements that should be on page 1. Looking up the BM forum I extracted the following:
"You'll need a playback card or device like a DeckLink, Intensity Pro, UltraStudio, etc. to monitor your timeline in full screen on a grade monitor. Resolve does not output to multiple GUI displays."

The justification is: "A normal PC display connected to a GPU is only running 8bit and does not do an accurate job of displaying the colour of video. It was designed to display the computer GUI."

Despite: "I think now that most computers are shipping with Display Port and can drive 10bit GUI displays that can be properly colour corrected it would be good for Resolve to support multiple GUI displays. Maybe in version 10??"

David Knaggs September 23rd, 2019 08:47 PM

Re: Training resources for DaVinci Resolve?
Apologies for resurrecting an old thread, but the title really says it all.

I installed DaVinci Studio last night and found that the manual is several thousand pages long! So I'm looking for some top-notch, rapid training.

Ripple Training has a "101" course on Resolve and I'm sure it would be good. An advantage to the Ripple courses is that they provide footage that you can download to follow along with each tutorial.

But I'm really leaning to the Doug Jensen Vimeo tutorials on Resolve. Doug is such an outstanding trainer (way above merely "good") that I'd prefer to be introduced to Resolve by him. My only hesitation is that he (per the course outline) uses a lot of S-LOG footage in his lessons and I'd like to follow along, but I don't have access to any S-LOG footage. Does anybody know if Doug's tutorial provides a link to any practice S-LOG footage (in the way that Ripple does after you buy their courses)?

Paul Mailath September 23rd, 2019 09:15 PM

Re: Training resources for DaVinci Resolve?
not sure why people arn't using the training from the company

the definative guide to DaVincho Resolve has tutorials and example files and these is also written tutorials on advanced editing, Colour correction, Fairlight & Fusion
all are PDF files, there's a downloadable zip on the site somewhere

David Knaggs September 24th, 2019 04:16 AM

Re: Training resources for DaVinci Resolve?
It turns out that a fellow DV Info member has posted some S-Log footage:


Thanks, Derran!

So I've rented Doug's Resolve tutorials and have started watching them and will now be able to happily follow along, thanks to Derran's footage.

Rainer Listing September 24th, 2019 07:41 PM

Re: Training resources for DaVinci Resolve?
Like Paul says, above. https://www.blackmagicdesign.com/au/...solve/training is free, comprehensive and complete with video resources. You'll probably learn a more pro style of editing as you go along.

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