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Keith Loh August 30th, 2005 05:10 PM

Just guessing: Leaving Las Vegas?

Dimitri De Keukelaere August 30th, 2005 05:11 PM

not even close :-)

Jonathan Jones August 30th, 2005 05:32 PM


Originally Posted by Meryem Ersoz
was that the episode of "the brady bunch" where mike throws his briefcase on the floor to cause the evil false insurance claim chaser in the neck collar to turn his head?

didn't think so....

I thought that was an episode of "The Lucy Show" or whatever the later series was called, and the character was Mr. Mooney in a neckbrace...or maybe it was that actor playing a character in the brady bunch...I guess I disremember...my childhood seems to be a fuzzy haze with flashes of Tang, Watergate and the Brady Bunch.

Jonathan Jones August 30th, 2005 05:45 PM


Originally Posted by Dimitri De Keukelaere
hehe just an addict but hey aint we all :p

"every man has to go through hell to reach paradise. "

COUNSELOR!!!! COUNSELOR!!! freaky movie, but I really loved it.
My vote is "Cape Fear", the remake with DeNiro. Pretty much every line he utters in that movie is quotable. The only problem is that with many of them, he is quoting them himself from various sources of text.

(BTW: the above quote I posted before this one includes a word I pulled from Robert Mitchum - "I disremember". He spoke it in the opening lines of a movie he made called "Night of the Hunter". Mitchum played DeNiro's character in the original version of "Cape Fear" - it is less grusome than the remake, but probably even more frightening. Mitchum's presence is like that. "Night of the Hunter" was kind of silly in its way, but still pretty creepy - and it was remade also, in the 80's I believe, and it starred Richard Chamberlain, but it was a total embarrassment compared to Mitchum's performance.) - sorry for the rambling

Dimitri De Keukelaere August 30th, 2005 05:59 PM

correct ;-)

your turn

p.s your explanation was very educative ;-)

Jonathan Jones August 30th, 2005 06:54 PM


Originally Posted by Dimitri De Keukelaere
correct ;-)

your turn

p.s your explanation was very educative ;-)

Cool, then here goes another quote. If y'all have been paying attention, this lesson will be quick and simple...now follow along children - quote to follow:

"H-A-T-E. It was with this left hand that ol' brother Cain struck the blow that layed his brother low. L-O-V-E. You see these fingers, dear hearts? These fingers had veins that run straight to the soul of man. The right hand, friends, the hand of love. Now watch and I'll show you the story of life. These fingers, dear hearts, is always a warrin' and a tuggin' - one again' t'other. Now watch 'em. Ol' brother left hand HATE's a fightin', and it looks like LOVE's a gonner...But wait a minute - WAIT A MINUTE. HOTDOG! LOVE's a winnin'! YESSIRREE! It's LOVE that won! And ol' left hand HATE is down for the count!"

-brief pause-

"I never heard it better told."

This is taken from what is likely the most singularly entertaining scene of the whole movie. If any of you have seen it but once, you will know this quote.

I have this quote memorized, but if you plug it into an internet search, you will probably find the source movie. So...extra points awarded to the guesser who can also provide an appropriate description of the visual props used by the speaker.

Dimitri De Keukelaere August 30th, 2005 07:00 PM

pure guess

Is it from kingpin. If I can remember correctly bill murray has a prostetic hand and it sure looks like a quote from the mouth of bill

I could be entirely wrong but worth of guess :-)

Jonathan Jones August 30th, 2005 07:08 PM


Originally Posted by Dimitri De Keukelaere
pure guess

Is it from kingpin. If I can remember correctly bill murray has a prostetic hand and it sure looks like a quote from the mouth of bill

I could be entirely wrong but worth of guess :-)

FWIW, I think it is Woody Harrelson with the prostethic, but either way...nope, it is not Kingpin.


Dimitri De Keukelaere August 30th, 2005 07:18 PM

ok long time ago that I've seen that movie :p

Chris Hurd August 30th, 2005 07:56 PM

Spike Lee's "Do The Right Thing."

Radio Raheem with his "brass knuckle" rings, one on each hand.

Jonathan Jones August 30th, 2005 08:13 PM


Originally Posted by Chris Hurd
Spike Lee's "Do The Right Thing."

Radio Raheem with his brass knuckle-ish rings, one on each hand.

OHHHH!!CHRIS!!! YOU ARE SOOO CLOSE you should be able to TASTE IT!!!

But you are still a little off. The movie quote I posted is actually the original source material from which Raheem laid out his lines - sort of an homage to the character in my post. What Raheem provides is an updated 'street smart' version, but I'm still looking for the original movie.

So reach down into soul of your movie lovin' passions and....

try again.


Chris Hurd August 30th, 2005 08:21 PM

Well then, how about Robert Mitchum in "Night of the Hunter."

Tattoos on the knuckles of his fingers. Howzat?

Jonathan Jones August 30th, 2005 10:55 PM


Originally Posted by Chris Hurd
Well then, how about Robert Mitchum in "Night of the Hunter."

Tattoos on the knuckles of his fingers. Howzat?

BOOM! Swish... Chris, youdaman!

Your turn.

Chris Hurd August 30th, 2005 11:29 PM

Well, it took two throws to make that basket! Both are great movies, too.

Okay, let's see how quick this one goes... once again, think classic:

Nestor: "And another thing. Ya gotta stop sassin' them officers like ya just did."
Mike: "When are ya gonna learn, Nestor? You can say anything you want to 'em, as long as ya put 'sir' on the end of it."

Jonathan Jones August 31st, 2005 10:17 AM


Originally Posted by Chris Hurd
Well, it took two throws to make that basket! Both are great movies, too.

Okay, let's see how quick this one goes... once again, think classic:

Nestor: "And another thing. Ya gotta stop sassin' them officers like ya just did."
Mike: "When are ya gonna learn, Nestor? You can say anything you want to 'em, as long as ya put 'sir' on the end of it."

Well, it isn't coming to me...so I'm gonna guess a movie that I have never even seen. Is it "Cool Hand Luke?

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