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Todd Evans August 13th, 2006 05:44 PM

Slowmo in Avid Liquid 7-Help!
Hi guys,

I'm having hard time with slowmo in Avid ...Timewarp editor :what are the proper settings for having a smooth slowmo effect ..it's like I'm having the strobo effect instead ...Please need you help!

George Ellis August 14th, 2006 11:20 AM

Are you setting it for frames and progressive? If I get a chance, I will try to find one of the online tutorials later (no links at this computer)

Todd Evans August 14th, 2006 07:04 PM

Thank you George.
I set it to frames but nothing ...it is a little bit better with progressive but still not good..

George Ellis August 14th, 2006 08:32 PM

If you used Cut Fields, did you check Motion Detection? Also, time-warp needs to full render to playback smoothly. You right click on the bar above the clip (with the sequence number in it) and Force Rendering on that clip (assuming you have Yellow Slices off or rendering off).

Per Johan Naesje August 31st, 2006 03:03 AM

Example footage
1 Attachment(s)
Todd, I'm a bit late into this thread.
My edit suite is Avid Liquid 7.1, and attached is an example of a flying stork, reduced to one quarter of its original speed. The settings in Liquid was Cut fields, Motion detection choosed.
The footage is compressed in Sorensen Squeeze Suite 4.2, to a file size of just 812 KB!

Original footage by Brendan Marnell, Irland.

Stephen L. Noe September 1st, 2006 12:38 PM

What is the source material? DV? Progressive? It makes a big difference as to what settings you'll use.

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