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James Brill September 20th, 2007 01:01 AM

Help setting up a broadcast monitor
I have just purchased a sony PVM-14L1 monitor and I am having problems setting it up for avid. I am using xpress pro HD and thought that with my nvidia 7950gt that I would be able to preview my timeline via the s video cable. Now I have my camera connected to the computer via firewire and set to vcr mode, and the monitor connected to the camera via s video. Yet with this I still can't avid to start previewing on the monitor. I think this is a simple problem I just can't figure it out since most of the searches I do show how to do it with a deck.

Vito DeFilippo September 20th, 2007 08:21 AM

I don't know about using the svideo straight from the card, but it you want to, you would need to enable TVout in the card driver settings.

If you want to see it through the camera, you need to enable the DV/AV out in your camera menu. At least, that's what I think it's called on Sony cams. You'll have to check your manual in the section where it deals with making dubs from the computer.

Oh, and check that you have the right input selected on your monitor, hehe...

Jiri Bakala September 20th, 2007 01:19 PM

You should also know that none of the various HDV formats will play back to any kind of monitor. Their GOP structure doesn't allow playback unless re-encoded. So your setup is SD only.

Vito DeFilippo September 20th, 2007 02:22 PM

Good point, Jiri. If you have a Mojo, it will output SD from an HDV timeline to a client monitor for you, though.

Jiri Bakala September 20th, 2007 03:05 PM


Originally Posted by Vito DeFilippo (Post 747456)
Good point, Jiri. If you have a Mojo, it will output SD from an HDV timeline to a client monitor for you, though.

Not to my knowledge, Vito. Mojo doesn't work with HDV at all. To ingest you actually need to unplug it and while working in HDV or DNxHD, Mojo is not functional. I am currently editing a project shot in HDV1080i60 and eventhough my Mojo is physically connected to the computer, above my timeline AXP only shows the 1344 button option, no DNA.

The Mojo might work once you convert the HDV format into SD via the Format option. I haven't tried that yet, so I am not sure.

Vito DeFilippo September 20th, 2007 03:24 PM

Hi Jiri,

Look up "Playing Back HDV Media" in the AVID help menu.

Who loves ya!

Jiri Bakala September 20th, 2007 03:38 PM


I think that you are referring to the switching of project type between HDV1080i60 and DV - under the Format tab. Playing back 'native' HDV through Mojo is impossible - unfortunatelly. Ditto for DNxHD. Only Adrenaline HD can do that on the Avid side of the tracks.


Vito DeFilippo September 20th, 2007 03:45 PM


Originally Posted by Jiri Bakala (Post 747498)
I think that you are referring to the switching of project type between HDV1080i60 and DV - under the Format tab.

Yes, I am.


Playing back 'native' HDV through Mojo is impossible - unfortunatelly. Ditto for DNxHD. Only Adrenaline HD can do that on the Avid side of the tracks.
Did you look in the help menu? It says clearly that:

"On systems with Avid Mojo hardware, in a 1080i HDV project you can play back through the Mojo by doing the following:
In the Project window, select Format tab > Project Type menu, and select a project type as described in the following table.

HDV Project Type Select to play back through Mojo hardware
1080i/59.94 HDV 30i NTSC
1080i 50 HDV 25i PAL

The media is downconverted and plays in SD with an anamorphic squeeze."

So as I said, the mojo will output SD from an HDV timeline.


Jiri Bakala September 20th, 2007 04:01 PM

We are in full agreement, Vito. :-)

HDV 1080i (and only that, not 720p) can be played back only as downconverted SD/DV. 'Native' HDV won't be processed through Mojo at all. I just wanted to make the distinction for the original poster James to make sure that he understands the difference. Then again, James didn't mention HD/HDV, so perhaps his issue si something else.


Vito DeFilippo September 20th, 2007 05:59 PM


Originally Posted by Jiri Bakala (Post 747513)
We are in full agreement, Vito. :-)

HDV 1080i (and only that, not 720p) can be played back only as downconverted SD/DV.

Yes, Jiri. That's exactly what I said in my original post:

"If you have a Mojo, it will output SD from an HDV timeline"

Your response was that it was impossible.

Anyway, we're highjacking the poor guy's thread. Seems like we agree anyway. Problem with semantics.

All the best,

Jiri Bakala September 20th, 2007 06:18 PM

Vito, in my next life I will try to learn how to read better, eh? :-)
Take care,

James Brill September 20th, 2007 08:15 PM

So there is no way with my monitor to preview hdv? Well I might be selling this monitor then.

Vito DeFilippo September 20th, 2007 08:48 PM


Originally Posted by James Brill (Post 747626)
So there is no way with my monitor to preview hdv?

Not that I know of...Perhaps someone with more experience will kick in with an opinion.

Jiri Bakala September 20th, 2007 10:36 PM

That's what I worried about - that you might want to view HD/HDV via Mojo. No. There is no way. Nada. There have been numerous discussions on the Avid board regarding this and as Vito and I stated, the only way of viewing HD content on an SD monitor with Avid is as downconverted via the Format tab (and that is ONLY from interlaced content - HDV1080i) or with Adrenaline HD box ($20k+). The other viewing option is using your second computer monitor as a client preview via the 'Full screen mode' - I am not in front of my Avid to be sure I got the name right but it is a function under the same option tab as workspaces (i.e. colour correction, capture, etc.)

Oh, and I should add that for viewing HD you should really consider an HD monitor. The PVM 14 is at best a fairly low rez SD monitor. There are some pro HD LCD monitors in $2-3k range but there are also smaller LCD HD panels that do a pretty good job for basic HD monitoring in the $300-500 range. I use a 17" Sony LCD that works very well and even has two DVI and one HDMI inputs (on top of component and composit).

James Brill September 21st, 2007 12:38 AM

Do you have any links to one of those monitors? I may just exchange this monitor through bh (where I purchased it) for a monitor that can do hdv.

edit- this may be off topic but my next assignment is one where I need to make a commercial for broadcast. So wouldn't I want my project to be SD? I planned on filming in hdv with my Z1 and then down converting at some point. Would I be able to preview my timeline with the monitor if I capture my footage down converted from my camera or down converted at some point?

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