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Glenn Gipson September 7th, 2005 10:20 PM

6.8 ghz CPU + 2TB diskless Drive

Is it Vapor Ware? You be the judge...

Terry Thompson September 7th, 2005 11:55 PM

So, what does something like that go for or is it a joke. I've never heard of optical memory (except on a spinning disk) nor have I seen anything near 2 TBs of memory. I try to keep up with the industry but stranger things have happened before. For instance the ability to actually "write" to a CD. That was a big step.


Ahmet Ilhan September 8th, 2005 01:35 AM

well strange...although the company says it will join CES 2006 with its products (expected selling price: 6000 $ for 1TB non-volatile Quantum-Optical Synchronous RAM), such a big step should have attracted much more attention on the web.

when the blue ray laser was invented in 90's by a japanese scientist it made big on technology media at that time and it could be applied to household use just recently.

I am sure someone will visit them in CES 2006 and shsre the views with us.

James Connors September 8th, 2005 05:19 AM

I would love to know how they have a 6.8ghz clockspeed running in a mobile platform without it catching fire.

Its their own brand of chipset so if it exists, I doubt it'd be comparable to a current gen Intel or AMD chip clocked that high.

Robert Mann Z. September 8th, 2005 08:42 AM

i believe this entire site is a joke... i love the "we are #1" banner they have on there site

James Emory September 9th, 2005 07:08 PM

Here is some more talk about this chip.


Greg Boston September 9th, 2005 07:23 PM

Having come out of a 25 year career in the semiconducor industry, I can say that the engineers say that we will eventually have computers that run on 'light' because we are hitting the limits with traditional manufacturing methods. This company may have a first successful attempt on their hands. Or, maybe not. Time will tell for sure.


George Ellis September 10th, 2005 09:45 PM

This is totally bogus. The first big hint is them running XP and Linux on it. All processors have to have a kernel and hardware drivers to run those OSs on top of them. MS and the Linux community are not confessing to writing kernels. I would have seen a notation on a new kernel from MS, but have not. In other words, those pictures of XP are fake. I can change XP to show I am running a processor at 1 THz. Had not tried to fake storage sizes though.

Stephen Finton September 10th, 2005 10:17 PM

From the text:

4 chips x 256GB each
One word = 4 x 64bits
Communications with AtomChip@Quantum@ II processor through
AtomChip@ decoder/transceiver and AtomChip@ co-processor.

6.8/4=1.7Ghz each

They're more than likely stacked and in parallel.

The only thing that is left is the memory and I have heard of some companies developing a non-volatile memory that saves the gate info when you turn off the computer. It does this by magnetically locking the gates. Leaving the memory just as permanent as anything you would write on a hard drive.

The capacity of the memory modules is what blows me away! But I guess it could be possible. There's no reason why they would pursue a new technology, if it didn't have the potential to hold more information.

Brian Wells September 11th, 2005 01:47 AM

Quantum-Optical Technology Illustrated (the complete tell-all...)

Heath McKnight September 11th, 2005 08:45 AM

My friend was so excited until we saw that page last night (http://atomchip.com/_wsn/page3.html). Their technology is based on quarter-inch jacks, commonly found on the end of head phones from the 70s.


Heath McKnight September 11th, 2005 08:49 AM

And this:


And this:


Atom Chip is promising to show it off at CES 2006...


Heath McKnight September 11th, 2005 08:59 AM

Then there's this:


and this:


The alleged founder of Atom Chips.


James Emory September 11th, 2005 09:31 AM

Heath, did you not see my post, copycat? :)

Peter Jefferson September 12th, 2005 09:13 PM

although theoreticaly it IS a possibility, i dont see this happening anytime soon..

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