View Full Version : Fake DOF with AE and some Magic Bullet..

Tomas Stavik
July 28th, 2007, 02:57 PM
Hi.. new to the forum here:)
I just wanted to show a clip where I've tracked and blurred out the background in After Effects.. and I CC'ed the clip with Magic Bullet to create a better filmlook..

it's really short, but I hope you enjoy it..
(it's done with a really bad school handycam)

Paul V Doherty
August 3rd, 2007, 03:03 PM
Very nice work!!!!
If you deinterlace your footage it will appear *very* close to good 35mm adaptor footage :)

What setting did you use in Magic Bullet? Looks maybe like Tropico Wash to me.

Tomas Stavik
August 6th, 2007, 02:12 AM
yeah I've never tried out deinterlacing so.. you know..
anyways, Im getting a DVX100 soon so no need to deinterlace at all then:P

the settings.. I think I made this myself but I started out with the berlin preset and just went crazy..

Sean Skube
August 14th, 2007, 12:34 PM
crush the blacks a bit, and for that shot, I'd tone down the blur to about half what it's at right now. seems too defocused for the shot. Then I think it should look right. After deinterlacing of course. good work.