Mat Thompson
July 27th, 2007, 07:33 AM
Hi guys.
I thought I'd just let all you Uwolers know my BB has been dodgy for about 3 days now and I'm currently getting only 5kbps DL speed and have still only watched 6 of the films.
As soon as this is sorted I will make sure I get on a critique everyones work....just thought I'd let you know I'm not being selective with my feedback.
What a pain this is....and what rubbish timing !!
Meryem Ersoz
July 27th, 2007, 07:40 AM
hi mat: every e-mail that i've sent you in the past week bounces back as well...i uploaded my itty bitty entry a coupla days ago, can you add it to the website? or is the dodgy BB an impediment to that?
Gordon Hoffman
July 27th, 2007, 07:45 AM
That's got to be painful. I get better than that on dial up.
Gordon Hoffman
Mat Thompson
July 27th, 2007, 10:08 AM
Hi Meryem
Yeah i don't understand the email issues at all. One day I'll get in straight away, one day it will take a couple of days and obviously some are just bouncing.
I've done a complete system re-build, this one was getting a bit stale and theres no better way of speeding everything up again. However I've just realised I didn't not down all my ftp passwords and settings.....doh ! Can you mail Kevin and get him to mail me the details and I'll update the site with your entry as well as removing one of Tronds 2 ;-0 .....whoops!
Gordon - Tell me about it, I just hope I can get it sorted soooon ! I'm itching to see more of the UC4 films!
John Dennis Robertson
July 27th, 2007, 02:30 PM
I have a similar problem here,only its the norm in Africa,we just live with it.I download and watch as many as I can...only got to about 6 as of now.
Bill Hamell
July 27th, 2007, 03:31 PM
With only dail up available here I have not watched any of the films yet hopefully Sunday (I'm off to Key Grip/Gaff a 48hr film) I'll find a Wi-Fi hot spot and download them all. Can't wait to see what everyone else has done!!!